


1、go to the cinema2、go to see a film3、go to see a movie4、go to a movie拓展资料:例句:1.理查德会在电影里客串吗,Will richard have a cameo in the movie,2.审查制度会对你的电影事业有何影响,How will censorship affect your movie ventures,3.他在聚精会神的看电影 。He was entranced with film.4.电影是不同寻常的媒介 。
Film is an extraordinary medium.5.美国电影艺术与科学学院负责组织每年一次的盛典 。

看电影的英文可以表达为watch a filmwatch a film的发音为:[w?t?][?] [f?lm]表示看一场电影,看电影的意思具体的用法如下:You can watch a film on the ceiling in Shanghai.你可以在上海看天花板上的电影 。Tom: Terrible, I was going to watch a film that day.汤姆:太糟糕了,我本想那天看个电影扩展资料:1.Later, after a quarrel, Ester is forced to watch a repetition of this love-play, and the film ends with Anna? s leaving Timoka with her son Johan while Ester sinks into a presumably fatalcoma.一场争吵过后,伊斯特不得不眼看着这种爱事重演 。
影片的结尾,安娜带着儿子离开了提姆卡,而伊斯特则在命运的迷失中沉沦 。
2.SAN FRANCISCO& Signs you're an old fogey: You still watchmovies on a VCR, listen to vinyl records and shoot photos on film.旧金山&如果你符合以下条件的话,就标志着你已经是老古董啦:还继续用VCR看电影,还继续用磁带听音乐,还继续用胶卷来照相 。3.Sometimes, I would purposely lag behind Te so as to watch his shadowy silhouette moving a