该港属热带雨林气候 。年平均气温约30℃ 。全年平均降雨量约2000mm,经常有大雨出现 。平均潮高:大潮为4m,小潮为0.9m 。港区主要码头泊位有15个,岸线长2316m,最大水深10.1m 。装卸设备有各种岸吊、可移式吊、浮吊、驳船、拖船及自动装散糖设备等,其中可移式吊最大起重能力为60吨,拖船的功率最大883kW,还有直径为152~203mm的输油管供装卸使用 。装卸效率:散糖每天装3000吨,汽油每小时卸680吨,燃油每小时卸204吨 。码头最大可靠1.5万载重吨的船舶 。大船锚地水深达21m 。本港自由贸易区始建于1973年,面积34万平方米 。1992年集装箱吞吐量为9.8万TEU 。主要出口货物为鲜花、咖啡、糖、白金、棉花、香蕉、及石油制品等,进口货物主要有粮食、机电产品及运输器材等 。主要贸易对象为美国、西欧及日本等 。在节假日中如果需要,可以安排加班,尤其是为了完成船的装货或卸货 。
Buenaventura is a port city and municipality located in the department of Valle del Cauca, Colombia (South America). Buenaventura is the main port of Colombia in the Pacific Ocean.
Buenaventura is a city with a population of 324,207 [*] 2005 census (most of city development lies on Cascajal Island) and it is the size of Los Angeles' metropolitan area most of the city's land is rural with scattered small villages throughout. It is located a few miles from the western cordillera of the Andes mountain range and the major city of Cali, the department's capital. Buenaventura is one of the rainiest cities in the world with 6000-7000 mm precipitation annually.
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