落花生说课稿2尊敬的各位考官:大家好!我是xxx 。下面我将与各位分享一下我对课文《落花生》的教学设想 。
一.说教材《落花生》是人教版五年级上册第4单元的第三篇课文,这个单元的主题是生活中的启示,这个单元的课文都包含着深刻的如何做人的哲理,情节性比较强,语言质朴简洁,含义深刻 。《落花生》是两篇精读课文当中的一篇,课文主要讲了一家人过花生收获节的情节,通过谈论花生的好处借物喻人,揭示了花生不图虚名默默奉献的品格,说明人要做有用的人,不要做只讲体面而对别人没有好处的人 。
二.说学情学生是语文学习的主人,学生已有的知识结构和认知水平,是教师授课的依据与出发点 。我所面对的学生是这样的,五年级的学生思维活跃,求知欲强,乐于表达,愿意交流,他们已不是低年级的小学生,想法开始更加独特,对生活有所体验和感悟,思想也逐步的走向成熟 。正是引导他们明事理,知是非,培养人文素养,提高语文能力的关键时期 。
在学习上,他们也有了一定的学习能力,掌握了一定的语文学习方法,但是就这篇课文而言,需要老师进一步的循循善诱,关注学生的个性体验,用文本架起学生学习跟生活之间的桥梁,让学生们在阅读课文的同时,学会体会生活当中蕴含的哲理 。
1.知识与能力:赏析文中重点字词,掌握本词的炼字艺术 。
2.过程与方法:通过诵读,品味关键词? 。
备课是各阶段教师都会做的一件事情,随着教育的不断发展,进而衍生出了“说课”,老师们希望把每一堂课都讲好,所以下面我整理了初中英语说课万能模板,供大家参考 。初中英语15分钟说课模板Good morning, everyone! I am (). Now I’ll say section A of Unit3.This is my sister. Go For It! The title is “This is my sister ”. I’ll say the lesson from four parts:
一.Analysis of teaching materials
二.Teaching methods
三.Guide of studying ways
四.Teaching procedure一: Analysis of the teaching material(一) Status and function1. The main topic of this unit is “family tree ”. In this unit, the Ss will learn t o speak the new words of family members and introduce the family members to others. This is a topic that is related to their daily life. So it can raise thei r learning interests and improve their spoken English.(二) Teaching aims and demands1. Knowledge ObjectsIn this lesson, Ss should master the new words “grandfather, grandmother, grandparent, father, mother, parent, brother, sister, friends …” etc. At the sam e time, they should know how to use these sentences “this/that is my mother/father/brother/sister/grandfather... These/those are my parents/grandparents/brothers/sisters/friends...”and know how to answer these questions.2. Abillity ObjectsIn this lesson, I’ll mainly train the Ss ' abilities of listening and speaking and develop t he Ss’ abilities of communication by learning the useful vocabul aris and structures.3. Moral ObjectsIn this lesson, the Ss should learn how to work with others and help eac h other, how to impress their own ideas during the communication.4.Teaching keys and difficultiesAccording to the teaching aims, I think the focus of this lesson are the n ew ex
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