
copper coin 释义:铜币;
音标:英[?k?p?(r) k??n] 美[?kɑ?p?r k??n]
Cash 释义:现金; (任何形式的) 金钱,资金;兑现支票;
音标:英[k??] 美[k??]
Money 释义:钱;薪水;收入;钱币;钞票;财产;财富
音标:英 [?m?ni] 美 [?m?ni]
Fund 释义:基金;专款;资金;现款;为…提供资金;拨款给
音标:英 [f?nd] 美 [f?nd]

1、He polished up an old copper coin.
他擦亮了一枚古铜币 。
2、So, for copper coin, less for a few strike, but also said there is no copper coin.
那么,换铜元,少换几个罢,又都说没有铜元 。
3、The mingled tin coin is iron coin not copper coin.
夹锡钱是铁钱而非铜钱 。
4、A SUPER LARGE ANCIENT COPPER COIN Gathering in Yunnan Province 。
云南发现一特大古铜币 。
5、History review on gain copper by abrading coin in ancient China 。
中国古代损钱取铜的历史考察 。
6、There are similar charges if you want to cash a cheque at a branch other than your own.
如果你想在开户行以外的网点兑现支票,也要收取类似的费用 。
7、Credit cards can be handy — they mean you do not have to carry large sums of cash.
信用卡很方便,有了它你就不用携带大量现金了 。
8、Companies could not draw money from bank accounts as cash.
公司不能从银行账户中提取现金 。
9、The raiders escaped with cash and jewellery.
劫匪携现金和珠宝逃跑了 。
10、I have no cash with me, may I pay by cheque?
11、We drew up a schedule of payments for the rest of the monies owed.
我们起草了一份剩余欠款的还款计划 。
12、A lot of the money that you pay at the cinema goes back to the film distributors.
你在电影院消费的一大部分钱都会回到电影发行商手里 。
13、He was a high-earning broker with money to burn.
他是高收入的经纪人,有花不完的钱 。
14、They couldn't find work or make money in the cities.
他们在城市找不到工作,也赚不到钱 。
15、The government might be obliged to put its money where its mouth is to prove its commitment.
政府也许会被迫付出行动,以兑现承诺 。
16、With England not playing, the smart money was on the Germans 。
英格兰队没有参赛,所以人们看好德国队应该会赢 。
17、The concert will raise funds for research into Aids.
这场音乐会将为艾滋病研究筹款 。
18、He is possessed of an extraordinary fund of energy.
他的精力异常充沛 。
19、She accepted the gift in the name of the Save the Children Fund.
她代表“拯救儿童基金会”接受了礼物 。
20、Thank you for contributing generously to the scholarship fund.
【我只喜欢钱英语怎么说(这只狗多少钱用英语怎么说)】谢谢你为奖学金基金慷慨捐款 。
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