
第十一单元 Go Shopping

1. I'm going to the grocery to get a toothbrush.
2. I'd like to buy a new car.
3. This sofa is beautiful. Where did you get it?
4. I bought this sofa in a thrift store. I saved 150 dollars.
5. I'm going shopping because I need to buy some food.
6. If this shirt doesn't fit, may I bring it back later?
7. Lots of things in this store are on sale.
8. There are two shopping malls in the city.
9. Beef and pork are on sale in that supermarket.
10. With this coupon we can save 5 dollars for my favorite Chocolate.
11. I enjoy visiting flea markets.
12. Could you give me a better price?
13. What size shoes do you wear?
14. This pair is a bit small. Can I change to a bigger size?
15. How much is the microwave oven?
16. Do you have change for a one-hundred-dollar bill?
17. That suit looks very good on you.
18. This T-shirt is made of cotton, isn't it?
19. I'd like to try on this light green dress.
20. Excuse me, could you tell me where the checkout counter is?

I'm going to the grocery to get a toothbrush.
我们知道,在英语中表示杂货店的词有两个,一个是 grocery, 另外一个就是 drugstore.
Drugstore这个词的原意是“药店”,但如今更常用的意思反而变成了路边的“杂货铺”和居住区的私人开设的“小店”, 主营日用杂货 。杂货店在美国非常普遍,出售医药用品,但也卖化妆品、胶卷、杂志、肥皂、纸巾、雪茄、玩具、女尼龙袜等杂货 。药品杂货店还往往供应快餐,出售冰激凌、饮料和小吃 。杂货店的营业时间通常是从早上9点到晚上9点,星期日一般休息 。但也有许多店铺24小时昼夜营业 。
在这个句型中get相当于汉语的“买” 。在美式口语中,要注意get这个词的使用率非常的高, 不同的情景下表达的意思大不相同 。Get 表示 “买”的意思,在北美非常常用,一般用在日常购买的小件物品上 。本句的最后一个词语是 toothbrush“牙刷”,请注意不是 teethbrush. 同样,牙膏是 toothpaste, 牙疼是 toothache 。

I'd like to buy a new car.
通常表达“我想买某件物品”,可以使用 I'd like to buy sth.或者 I want to buy sth.这两个比较口语化的句子 。如果是比较正式地表达 “我想要买某件物品”,可以用 I am interested in buying sth. 这个句型 。
例如:I am interested in buying an apartment in downtown area.
I am interested in buying a Benz sports car.

This sofa is beautiful. Where did you get it?
我们汉语里面说的“沙发”,其实是英语词sofa 的音译 。这样的词还有不少,比如巧克力chocolate,坦克 tank, 新近的还有“克隆”clone等 。
如果算不上好朋友的人买了一件物品,不论你自己是否欣赏,一般都应表示赞赏 。然后再加上一句话,“你在那里买的?”这个句子里面的 get 一词如前面所讲,是口语化的“买” 等同于 buy 。

I got this sofa in a thrift store. I saved 150 dollars.
Thrift store 是一种卖二手货的商店 。这样的商店大多以赢利为目的 。收集旧货,把旧货翻新整理,然后出售,所以,在这样的商店买的东西比普通商店的便宜很多 。此外美国还有很多折扣商店(rebate store) 。折扣商店通常设在房租低廉的地区 。这里没有什么额外服务,但是商品价格要比其他地方低 20-25% 。折扣商店主要出售家用电器产品,顾客可以先从商品目录中选择商品,然后填表、付款,等服务员叫到名字时前去领货 。你到多数折扣商店买摄影材料、家庭用品、书籍、唱片及其他非私人用品,可以省点钱 。在 thrift store,rebate store 或者 flea market 精心挑选,有可能买到物美价廉的商品 。

I'm going shopping because I need to buy some food.
这个句型可以用来向别人解释你要去购物的理由 。
例如: I'm going shopping because I just got my salary.
I went shopping last week because some friends will come on the weekend.

If this shirt doesn't fit, may I bring it back later?
这句话在购买一些不能在店内试用的用品时是非常必要的 。
例如:If this mobile phone doesn't work well, may I bring it back later?
假如你想退货,应当保留单据,证明你买的东西是在该商店买的 。
还有一样要记住的事,就是买收音机或照相机等类东西,是有保证书的 。保证书是书面契约,列明在一段特定时间内,修理或保养产品的费用由厂家支付 。由于许多产品都有厂家的保证,因此你应该依照规定办理 。通常是,你须把一张卡片寄给该厂家,注明物品是在什么时候买的 。不这样做的话,保证书就未必有效或者不产生约束力 。
Lots of things in this store are on sale.
我们首先要熟悉 lots of 这个短语,它等同于a lot of, 表示“很多”,可以修饰不可数名词和可数名词,在口语中它的运用频率要远高于 many 和 much 。所以我们要习惯于使用这个有用的短语 。
Store这个词在美国口语中常用,而 shop则是英国人用得多 。
On sale的意思是 “打折,降价出售”。
如 This car is on sale this weekend. That kind of suits are on sale this month.
请注意不要把 on sale 与 for sale混淆起来 。For sale的意思是“待售的”,比如我们说 That apartment is for sale. 意思是“这套公寓是等待出售的 。”

There are two shopping malls in the city.
Shopping mall 一般指位于城市繁华闹市的步行购物街,在北京和上海,王府井和南京路都可以算得上是 shopping mall 了 。在美国也有一些 mall 是在不太繁华但交通便利的地方 。说到购物的场所,可以说是五花八门了,在美国,大型的购物场所首推商业中心 (Market). 所 谓商业中心,是由数百家专业商店聚集在一起组成的,它是美国郊区生活的一大特色,特点 是都设有供顾客使用的大型停车场 。商业中心内除了专业商店外,往往还有百货公司的分店 。目前美国新开的商业中心内常有圈起来的林荫道,并且举办各种娱乐节目,颇似旧日的市镇广场 。中国现在的超级市场(Supermarket)也是来源于美国的 。它是美国最大众化的商店,人们可以随意选择自己所需要的食品及其他商品,然后到出口处计价 。这些市场货色多时可达 8000种 。在那里不仅可以买到普通商品,还可买到许多美国特产 。超级市场多由各公司组成,分别在同一商场内经营,互相竞争 。场外有停车场,门前备有轻便手推车 。百货商店(department store)比起超级市场更有气派,里面的商品价格也随之抬高 。这里有宽 大的店堂和彬彬有礼的售货员,有些百货商店在自动电梯旁专设一位店员,笑容可掬地迎接每一位顾客 。百货商店出售的商品可多达 16 万种 。多数百货公司楼下入口处附近设有问询处 。电梯附近有介绍每层楼商品的说明 。有的百货公司采取“自助式”,顾客自己选好所需要的商品,拿到收款柜台去付款 。
还有一种门面较小的商店叫 fancy shop 。它的规格较高 。顾客进门,服务员殷勤迎接,甚至茶点相待 。如在服装店中,有专门的模特儿身着各式服装,帮助顾客选购 。但这种商店的商品价格比其他店要高出几十倍甚至上百倍 。
Outlet 是一种特殊的购物场所 。Outlet 一般位于郊远地区,很多很多的各种品质精良的名牌的过季商品在那里出售 。outlet 的规模十分之大, 商品的包装较差, 也没有很好的服务,但是商品的质量非常好, 而且价格十分的便宜 。

Beef and pork are on sale in that supermarket.
“降价出售”除了用 on sale这个短语之外还可以用 on discount 来表示 。
在店里如何辨别哪些商品是打折呢?一般说来,商品旁写着 sale,on discount 或 promotion就是告诉顾客这种商品是折价出售的 。如果商品旁标明是 20% off是什么意思呢?对了,就是我们说的“打8折 。”那么“7 折”当然就是 30% off 啦 。如果你买的是打折商品,一般的商家都会提前告诉你No refund for discount goods 。意思就是“特价商品,恕不退换 。”所以要小心啦 。

With this coupon we can save 5 dollars for my favorite Chocolate.
当你随意翻开一本美国杂志时,一定会发现一些花花绿绿的优惠券,这就是 coupon 。这是商家的一种促销手段,但既然有实实在在的优惠,当然是不错的了 。拿着 coupon 去消费,一般都可以打折或是获赠一些小礼品 。只要是在美国呆过的人, 都知道利用 coupon 来省钱的道理! 那什么是 double coupon 呢? 它是在美国的一家很有名叫 Kroger的grocery store,为了促销, 所推行的一种政策 。他们宣称拿着 50c 的coupon去他们的店里买东西, 就可以折价1元, 折价的金额足足多了一倍, 多余的这 50c 是 Kroger 给顾客的优惠 。但是也有一些限制, 例如,每张coupon 的面额不得超过 75c, 而且对同样一个商品, double coupon 只能使用一次 。

I enjoy visiting flea markets.
还有一种叫“跳瘙市场”flea market, 是很多经营旧货的小业主在固定地点有规律的聚集销售的地方 。如果你仔细挑选的话,也能找到物美价廉的商品 。
这个句子看着简单,其实里面包含这一个超级口语句型,就是 I enjoy doing sth. “我喜欢做某件事情 。”以后你只要想表达 “我喜欢做…”就应该毫不犹豫地用上这个简洁的口语句子 。比如:
I enjoy studying English.
I enjoy playing tennis.
I enjoy reading novels.
I enjoy traveling all over the world.

Could you give me a better price?
如果你是在 flea market 买东西的话,免不了要和卖主讨价还价,那么怎么来表达呢?对了,就是用上面的这个句子 。如果原本一个20 美金的手表,对方愿意让价,告诉你说,“15 dollars,final price.” 意思就是“15 美金,最低价 。”如果再往下杀价,他就会来这么一句, “Take it, or leave it.”就是我们常说的,“要就拿走,不要就算了 。”

What size shoes do you wear?
Wear 这个词用途非常广泛,可以指穿衣服、戴帽子、穿戴首饰、穿鞋子 。

This pair is a bit small. Can I change to a bigger size?
我们在说道鞋子、裤子、眼镜等物品的时候,前面往往要加 a pair of 来加以修饰 。A bit 或者 a little放在形容词前表示 “有一点…”,如果是 “太…”,则用 too这个词,比如 too big, too small, too tight, too loose等等 。

How much is the microwave oven?
怎样用英语来问价格呢?对了,最简单上口的句型莫过于 How much is it 了,当然,我们也还有其他的说法,譬如,What's the price of it? How much does it cost? Microwave oven就是我们经常用到的微波炉 。

Do you have change for a one-hundred-dollar bill?
如你只是购买一件小商品,而想用现金(cash)来付款,不妨问上这么一句话 。这里的 change 可不是“改变、变化”的意思,而是汉语里的“找头儿”。

That dress looks very good on you.
陪女朋友买衣服的话,她一定会在试穿上一件衣服后问你, “Does it look good on me?”怎么回答呢?你当然可以回答说, “It looks very good on you.” 你甚至还可以说, “It looks perfect on you.” “这件衣服穿在你身上完美极了 。”

This T-shirt is made of cotton, isn't it?
Be made of 这个结构用来表示某个东西是用什么材料做成的 。
例如,This sweater is made of wool. These socks are made of cotton and nylon.
I'd like to try on this light green dress.
买衣服的时候一般都要试穿一下,我们一般用 try on 这个短语 。在表达“我想做某件事情”的意思时,美国人常用的是 I'd like to do sth.这个句型,而不是 I want to do sth.
请注意 light green 是指“浅绿色”,light 这个词加在颜色前意思是“浅…色的”,例如 light yellow, light blue等 。Dark 这个词放在颜色前面意思则是“深…色的”,例如 dark green, dark blue等 。Dress 一般指女士的套装,连衣裙等正式服装,suit 则是指男士的西服 。

Excuse me, could you tell me where the checkout counter is?
只要你熟练掌握了这个句子,就能解决问题了 。
checkout counter 是超级市场或百货商店的收款台 。
假如你是 Salesclerk, 与客人经常使用哪些句型呢?
第一步:与客人适当地寒暄:Good morning. What can I help? ...注意用 hello就不够客礼貌了 。
第二步: 客人提出需求后,导购:What size shoes do you wear?What color do you prefer?
第三步: 客人有意购买时,适当地鼓励购买,使用赞美句型
The color of shoes goes well with your skirt.
It looks fine on you!
You look great with this suit.
第四步: 客人购买后,应该说什么? 对了一定是感谢的话:
Thank you! Hope to see you again. / Have a nice day!
假如你是顾客, 怎样与导购人员沟通你的需求呢?现在回忆一下我们前面学过的提出要求的句型:
学习“购物”的句型,应该按照购物过程的先后顺序来依次学习 。这样条理就会比较清晰,便于我们在学习后,在每个特定的购物环节都能讲出恰当的英文 。
我想买…… I'd like to buy …… I want to buy a pair of leather shoes.
今天有打折吗?Is anything on sale today?
我能试穿一下吗? Can I try this on?
穿在我身上好看吗? Does it look good on me?
如果不合适的话,我能够拿回来退吗? If it doesn't fit, may I bring it back later?
多少钱? How much is it?
能便宜点儿吗? Can you give me this for cheaper?
我买了,请问收款台在那里?I'll take it, but where is the checkout counter?
我用付现金,一百的你找得开吗?I'll pay by cash. Do you have change for a one-hundred-dollar bill?
谢谢!祝你今天过得愉快! Thanks!And have a nice day!

1. I'm going to the grocery to get a toothbrush.
我要到小店里买一包烟 。
他到临近的小铺里买了几瓶啤酒 。
2. I'd like to buy a new car.
我想买一套房子 。
我们想要买一些蔬菜和水果 。
他要买一本词典和一支钢笔 。
3. This sofa is beautiful. Where did you get it?
这件套装真不错 。你在哪里买的?
这条领带看上去很漂亮 。他在哪里买的?
这台电脑太棒了 。她在哪里买到的?
4. Ibought this sofa in a thrift store. I saved 150 dollars.
我在超市里买了这些奶粉,我省了 10 美金 。
我在就百货店里买了一台电视机, 只花了 80 美金.
你看这个书架多么漂亮! 你能相信这是我在折扣店里买的旧货吗?
5. I'm going shopping because I need to buy some food.
昨天我去购物了,因为我的冰箱空了 。
我们明天早上要去购物,因为后天有客人要来 。
这几天我将不会去购物 。
6. If this shirt doesn't fit, may I bring it back later?
7. Lots of things in this store are on sale.
隔壁的那一家超市在打折呢 。
今天牛肉特价 。
这件毛衣现在打七折 。
8. There are two shopping malls in the city.
这个小镇上有两家超市 。
这个街区有三家杂货店 。
这条街上有一家大的百货商场 。
9. Beef and pork are on special discount in that supermarket.
这几天百货商场的西服在打折呢 。
昨天杂货店里的糖果在促销呢 。
书店里的旧书在降价卖呢 。
10. With this coupon we can save 5 dollars for my favorite Chocolate.
在这家商店,我们可以在买电脑时节省80 美金 。
在这家折扣商店,我们可以在买 CD 时节省 88 美分 。
11. I enjoy visiting flea markets.
我喜欢买便宜的磁带 。
我喜欢在周末购物 。
她喜欢和男朋友一起去百货商店 。
12. Could you give me this a better price?
13. What size shoes do you wear?
我们有很多种颜色的外套, 您喜欢什么颜色的?
14. This pair is a bit small. Can I change toa bigger size?
这条裤子有点儿长, 您能给我短一点儿的吗?
我不太喜欢这个颜色, 能换个颜色吗?
15. How much is the microwave oven?
16 Do you have change for a one-hundred-dollar bill?
17. That suit looks very good on you.
这件套装你穿着非常完美 。
这件大衣你穿着不太好看 。
18. This T-shirt is made of cotton, isn't it?
这条领带是真丝的 。
这双袜子是棉的 。
这套黑色西服是纯毛的 。
19. I'd like to try on this light green dress.
我想试一下这件夹克衫 。
我想试一下这条蓝色长裤 。
她想试一下这件浅黄衬衫 。
20. Excuse me, could you tell me wherethe checkout counter is?

1. A: What are you going to get in the grocery?
B: .
2. A: ?
B: I’d like to buy a new car.
3. A: These shoes are beautiful. Where did you get it?
B: .
4. A: ?
B: I bought this sofa in a thrift store. I saved 150 dollars.
5. A: Why are you going shopping tomorrow?
7. A: If this shirt doesn't fit, may I bring it back later?
B: .
8. A: How many shopping malls are there in this city?
10. A: What do you enjoy?

90 13. A: This pair is a bit small. Can I change to a bigger size?
B: .
15. A: Do you have change for a one-hundred-dollar bill?
16. A: Does the suit looks good on me?
17. A: This shirt is made of cotton, isn't it?
18. A: Can I try on this dark dress?
20. A: Where did you buy the sofa?
23. A: I want to go to the shopping mall.
25. A:?
B: Usually I wear size 8.
28. A:?
B: It's $75.99.

2. Buying Shoes 买鞋子
Sales clerk: Anything I can do for you?
Melissa: I want a pair of sneakers.我想看一看名牌的 。(brand name items)。
Sales clerk: We have a great variety of them in stock. We have some good buys. What kind would you like to see?
Melissa: 你能不能给我推荐一些?
Sales clerk: This pair of Mizuno shoes are really good.
Melissa: 多少钱?
Sales clerk: 120 dollars.
Melissa: 太贵了,简直是抢劫!(Sheer robbery!) 我可买不起 。Can you cut the price a bit?
Sales clerk : We don't usually give discounts. 但这里礼拜鞋子有打折 。We give 30 percent discount off the price. It comes to 84 dollars, Ma'am.
Melissa: That sounds reasonable. I'll buy them.
Sales clerk: Is there anything else you might need?
Melissa: 不要了,谢谢 。See you.
Sales clerk: See you. Have a nice day!
3. Choosing a Walkman 选择随身听
JOHN: Yes, I would like to buy a Walkman. Can you tell me about the models you have?
SALESMAN: Well, we have a lot of models here. Do you want to listen to CD's or cassettes or the radio?
JOHN: Cassette tapes.
SALESMAN: Alright. There are several models you may want to look at.
JOHN: Kregg? I've never heard of that company.
SALESMAN: It's a German company.
JOHN: I suppose I don't want that one then. I don't like auto-reverse. It breaks too easily.
SALESMAN: Really? Have you had anauto-reverse break before?
JOHN: Yes, twice now. I think it's too high-tech, and so it's the first part that breaks.
SALESMAN: Alright. Well. We have many units without auto-reverse. Here is a good unit.
Very reliable. It has an AM/FM band, built-in microphone, recording capability, and no auto-reverse.
【常用口语句型(常用英语句型)】JOHN: ?
SALESMAN: This one sells for $39.99.
SALESMAN: Of course you can have a try.
JOHN: It sounds great. .
SALESMAN: Fine. I think you'll be happy with it. It's a very good unit. Very reliable. I'll go get you a new one in a box. I will be back in just a moment.
JOHN: Thanks.
4.Purchase Electrical Appliances 买电器
Salesclerk: May I help you?
Will: 我想买一个电饭煲 。(rice cooker.) 您店里有吗?
Salesclerk: They are on the shelf.
Will: Is this type good?
Salesclerk: Of course. This type is pretty nice.
Will: 我还想买一部录像机(video cassette recorder) (VCR). And could you recommend a stereo set to me?
Salesclerk: How about this one? It's the most advanced model.
Will: Is it automatic?
Salesclerk: Sure it is. Then do you like this PC? It's low noise design, reduces the offensive operation noise to a minimum. You won't be disturbed even if it is placed in the bedroom.
Will: 我听说有的商店在卖水货(grey-market goods).
Salesclerk: But our shop never does such things. Our products are all of very high quality.
Will: 你们有灰色的吗?
Salesclerk: Certainly, we do.
Will: 这个有没有保修(warranty)?
Salesclerk: It's good for two years.
Will: 那么我买下了 。
Salesclerk: We will deliver and install it for you on Sunday.
Will: That's fine. 我告诉你我的地址和电话 。
6. Buying Shirts 买衬衫
MARY: Why don't you get some shirts?

92 TOM: I want to leave. We have already been here two hours.
MARY: But we should get you some shirts while we're here. You need summer shirts.
TOM: .
MARY: Why? They have everything here.
TOM: I don't like shopping in malls. I like shopping on the street. There is more variety.
MARY: Let's just look and see what they have.
TOM: Alright.
MARY: ? Do you see anything you like?
TOM: The styles here are too boring for me. I told you. I like street shopping.
MARY: Oh, come on! Don't be so sour. These are beautiful shirts. I know if we don't buy some today, you will never go shopping by yourself.
TOM: Sure I would.
MARY: Here. Look at this shirt. Try it on.
TOM: ?
MARY: I don't know. Let me look on the rack. Here is one. LARGE. Try it on.
TOM: ? I don't see it.
MARY: The fitting rooms are over there.
TOM: Okay, .
MARY: It looks good on you.
TOM: I look like a nerd.
MARY: No, it looks great. Why are you always like this when you're shopping? You know It looks good.
TOM: Well, I don't think it's the best style for me.
MARY: I think we'll buy this one. And I want you to try on this one too.
TOM: Alright. Alright.
MARY: You should be happy I want you to look good. If I let you shop for yourself, you would never buy anything.
TOM: Yes, maybe. But I like street shopping. There is more variety. I'm sorry. I just don't like malls.


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