
一份签署于2008年9月9日的《劳务协议》,接近智障用英语怎么说来的残疾人奴工恶性事件偏向四川省渠县 。在这里条铺满辛酸泪的黑色权益传动链条的终端设备,是一个全名是曾令全的人,和他的“渠县伤残人自种子队” 。
JINAN - Two briquette factories 智障用英语怎么说 in Jinan, capital of East China's Shandong


province, were found on Friday to employ eight mentally disabled workers, but
treated the employees well, authorities have said.
The case came soon after a sweatshop in the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous
region was found to have enslaved and abused 12 such employees.
原文中的"奴工"能够汉语翻译为"slave labor",而中国日报中的"mentally disabled workers"
就可以汉语翻译为"智障职工","sweatshop" 是"血汗工厂"的含意 。这显而易见是一个关联到"人权"的难题,那麼人权用英文怎么说呢?
【智障用英语怎么说】人权的英语表述有三种:human rights; rights of man; personal right 。