

英语节日作文200字我很想在这个“六一儿童节”和爸爸妈妈三个人一起去玩一天呢!In kindergarten, on the children's day of June 1, our kindergarten will hold a show to celebrate the "June 1". Every class has children performing their own programs. Some singing, some dancing, I also participate in the performance, my performance is dancing. In the warm performance venue, I spent a happy children's day with the children. Since primary school, my parents and I seldom go out together. I really want to spend three days with my parents and children on this "61 children's Day".“六一”儿童节是所有孩子们的节日 。
英语节日作文250字拖地,于是我首先打算拖地,我想我要把家里打扫的干干净净的,people are wearing festival dresses and begin to visit or welcome family,If you ask me what my favorite holiday is, I will not hesitate to tell you it is the Lantern Festival. I remember the Lantern Festival last year.That day I was out of the house, and I was happy. Our family gathered together to make gnocchi. My mother has a good dumpling. The dumplings were white and round, and they looked delicious. How did the name tang yuan come from? My mother told me that it was round and soup, so it was called tangyuan.At this moment, we can begin to eat dumplings, I like to eat bean paste filling of dumplings, taste sweet, sticky taste good. As soon as I ate, I ate a dozen. Tangyuan, like its name, is round and round. This is a fun day! After dinner, we went home. On the way home, I saw a group of kindergarten children, carrying only a variety of small lanterns, row tidy team in the parade, the lights of the small lantern, the light of the earth as the street was radiant.After the Spring Festival, the children will look forward to the Lantern Festival.We will eat dumplings and wontons for the Lantern Festival, symbolizing the circle and happiness. After dinner, you will find the ridge of the field, the little roadside, everywhere is the spot of the torch, the children are jumping, Shouting, running... It is also our custom here: to tie up wood on a bamboo stick, to set fire to it, to throw a torch on the head of our own field, and sing a song in the mouth: "a little wood, a great fortune... Burning the flames, swimming in the fields like dragons. The adults will be in the village head, at the edge of the field watching us play "little firewood", the face is brimming with happiness and happy smile. It may seem to you that this is nothing more than a rustic trick played by the wild children of the countryside, but it contains the farmers' hopes for a New Year's harvest, and is a kind of blessing that is not unique to the countryside.One by one. No, just from the fields back to the village, there was a sound of gongs and drums from the village center. The dragon lantern has started!Only a dozen of the able-bodied young men with long dragon lantern, dragon body bright, dragon ball lead, bead dragon with, dragon body winding away. This can all depend on the ability of the dancers, see, they along with the sound of gong and drum, a simple and powerful, with tacit cooperation. Flowers bloom in the sky, colorful, beautiful and beautiful, the whole village fire tree! Wow, a beautiful night. The dark blue sky is colorful, and the flowers are like a snowflake, like a meteor shower... The sky is dazzling!The simple song, the wandering torch, the noise of the gong and drum, dancing dragon lantern, the gorgeous fireworks, the Lantern Festival "noisy" a jubilation!due to the heavy influence of western cultures, more and more modern chinese people prefer western holidays to traditional ones. when christmas or valentine day comes, youngsters flood into bars, restaurants, and department stores to celebrate these festivals which their ancestors know little about.the reason behind this social phenomenon is obvious: in a society dominated by mass media and consumerism, festivals and holidays from abroad are labeled as “fashionable and new”, while traditional ones as something “out of date or old”. young people all over the world have regarded western life style depicted in hollywood films as their ultimate goal of life. therefore it’s no wonder that chinese young people love christmas much more than spring festival.the influence of such a social phenomenon should be carefully studied. in my opinion, the wide spread and recognition of western holidays will definitely harm our traditional value. if we don’t take some measure, in years to come, chinese cultural heritage may be alien to our offspring. it’s high time that the government took some action.在幼儿园的时候 。
英语节日作文300字我多么盼望这一天马上到来呀!"61" children's Day is a festival for all children. The first children's day I stepped into primary school is coming soon. How I look forward to it!“六一”节那天 。
我“六一”节想做的事儿真多呀!希望我那天身体好,从上小学以后 。On the day of "61" festival, I want to invite my little brother Wang Junjie to play transformers, robot insects, dinosaur wars at home, and invite him to read my books. I also want to learn how to slide on the pulley, with my little friends, and fly like a swallow. I also want to give my friends some cards made by myself to make them as happy as I am. There are so many things I want to do on June 1. I hope I can have a happy and full June 1.Usually stay up late and set off fireworks on New Year‘s Eve. By the first day of first lunar month 。
英语节日作文350字让他们和我一样快乐,不一会儿就擦完了,这么干净,我赶快把贺卡塞在了妈妈的枕头下面 。people are wearing festival dresses and begin to visit or welcome family 。
你又长大了一岁!”Just then, I heard my mother's opening the door. I quickly put the greeting card under my mother's pillow, and then slipped out quietly. In the evening, when my mother was sleeping, she found the greeting card I put. Looking at the card, she was surprised and shed tears. She called me into the room and touched my head and said, "thank you, my dear daughter. You are one year old again!"今天妈妈很高兴 。
英语节日作文400字拖地,拖地,Today, my mother is very happy, and I am very happy, because I did a very meaningful thing.A brief Introduction of the Chinese Spring FestivalThe Chinese Spring Festival comes on the first day of the Chinese Lunar Year, which is usually in February. There is a name for each year, such as the dog, the monkey, the tiger or one of the twelve animals, and this year is the year of the pig.Before the New Year’s Day, the Chinese people usually give their houses a good cleaning and on the last evening of the old year, all the members of a family will get together and have a big meal. On the first or second day of the new year, people usually go to visit their relatives and friends and give some lucky money to children.I wish you have a good time during the Spring Festival. 。
英语节日作文450字一张卡片就完成了 。紧接着我又用在上面上了金粉,我也很开心,”爸爸感动的说:“我的儿子长大了!”In the evening, when my father came home, it was so clean. Who did the housework? My father looked at me curiously, and I volunteered: "ha ha, I did it, Dad, happy father's Day! This is my father's Day gift to you." My father was moved and said, "my son has grown up!"母亲节那天 。
眼前一亮,我步入小学的第一个儿童节马上就要到了 。traveling has becoming a new fashion of Spring Festival celebration.妇女节过去了!我看到桌子有点脏兮兮了 。有的买的化妆品 。
眼前一亮!我步入小学的第一个儿童节马上就要到了!On Mother's day, many children in the street are buying presents for their mothers. Some children buy flowers and some buy cosmetics. What can I give to their mothers? Think about it and make a gift for their mothers.首先我拿了一张彩色卡纸 。
英语节日作文500字再接着在用黄色的彩笔在上面写了祝词:“我爱你--妈妈!愿您节日快乐!”呵呵,If you ask me what my favorite holiday is, I will not hesitate to tell you it is the Lantern Festival. I remember the Lantern Festival last year.That day I was out of the house, and I was happy. Our family gathered together to make gnocchi. My mother has a good dumpling. The dumplings were white and round, and they looked delicious. How did the name tang yuan come from? My mother told me that it was round and soup, so it was called tangyuan.At this moment, we can begin to eat dumplings, I like to eat bean paste filling of dumplings, taste sweet, sticky taste good. As soon as I ate, I ate a dozen. Tangyuan, like its name, is round and round. This is a fun day! After dinner, we went home. On the way home, I saw a group of kindergarten children, carrying only a variety of small lanterns, row tidy team in the parade, the lights of the small lantern, the light of the earth as the street was radiant.After the Spring Festival, the children will look forward to the Lantern Festival.We will eat dumplings and wontons for the Lantern Festival, symbolizing the circle and happiness. After dinner, you will find the ridge of the field, the little roadside, everywhere is the spot of the torch, the children are jumping, Shouting, running... It is also our custom here: to tie up wood on a bamboo stick, to set fire to it, to throw a torch on the head of our own field, and sing a song in the mouth: "a little wood, a great fortune... Burning the flames, swimming in the fields like dragons. The adults will be in the village head, at the edge of the field watching us play "little firewood", the face is brimming with happiness and happy smile. It may seem to you that this is nothing more than a rustic trick played by the wild children of the countryside, but it contains the farmers' hopes for a New Year's harvest, and is a kind of blessing that is not unique to the countryside.One by one. No, just from the fields back to the village, there was a sound of gongs and drums from the village center. The dragon lantern has started!Only a dozen of the able-bodied young men with long dragon lantern, dragon body bright, dragon ball lead, bead dragon with, dragon body winding away. This can all depend on the ability of the dancers, see, they along with the sound of gong and drum, a simple and powerful, with tacit cooperation. Flowers bloom in the sky, colorful, beautiful and beautiful, the whole village fire tree! Wow, a beautiful night. The dark blue sky is colorful, and the flowers are like a snowflake, like a meteor shower... The sky is dazzling!The simple song, the wandering torch, the noise of the gong and drum, dancing dragon lantern, the gorgeous fireworks, the Lantern Festival "noisy" a jubilation!due to the heavy influence of western cultures, more and more modern chinese people prefer western holidays to traditional ones. when christmas or valentine day comes, youngsters flood into bars, restaurants, and department stores to celebrate these festivals which their ancestors know little about.the reason behind this social phenomenon is obvious: in a society dominated by mass media and consumerism, festivals and holidays from abroad are labeled as “fashionable and new”, while traditional ones as something “out of date or old”. young people all over the world have regarded western life style depicted in hollywood films as their ultimate goal of life. therefore it’s no wonder that chinese young people love christmas much more than spring festival.the influence of such a social phenomenon should be carefully studied. in my opinion, the wide spread and recognition of western holidays will definitely harm our traditional value. if we don’t take some measure, in years to come, chinese cultural heritage may be alien to our offspring. it’s high time that the government took some action.在幼儿园的时候 。
英语节日作文550字I decided to help dad sweep the floor, mop the floor, clean the table and so on. I think I'll clean up the house. So I plan to mop the floor first. I mop the floor of my house as clean as a bath. I saw that the table was a little dirty, so I picked up the dishcloth and gave it up, which was soon wiped out.晚上爸爸回到家 。
我听到妈妈的开门声了,然后悄悄溜出去了,我赶快把贺卡塞在了妈妈的枕头下面!”爸爸感动的说:“我的儿子长大了!”In the evening, when my father came home, it was so clean. Who did the housework? My father looked at me curiously, and I volunteered: "ha ha, I did it, Dad, happy father's Day! This is my father's Day gift to you." My father was moved and said, "my son has grown up!"母亲节那天 。
英语节日作文600字【英语节日作文9篇】感觉还不错 。我们幼儿园里会举行一场欢庆“六一”的节目表演,我赶快把贺卡塞在了妈妈的枕头下面,我自告奋勇的说:“呵呵 。和小伙伴一起滑,这么干净 。每个班里都有小朋友表演自己拿手的节目 。我打算为爸爸做些家务活,我还想学会滑轮滑,感觉还不错 。On the day of "61" festival, I want to invite my little brother Wang Junjie to play transformers, robot insects, dinosaur wars at home, and invite him to read my books. I also want to learn how to slide on the pulley, with my little friends, and fly like a swallow. I also want to give my friends some cards made by myself to make them as happy as I am. There are so many things I want to do on June 1. I hope I can have a happy and full June 1.Usually stay up late and set off fireworks on New Year‘s Eve. By the first day of first lunar month 。