西瓜甘甜多汁 , 清热解暑 , 最适合在天热的时候吃 。 然而你可能不知道 , 吃西瓜对身体有很多好处 , 甚至还能帮你抵御疾病 。 不过西瓜再好 , 脾胃虚寒的人也要少吃哦 。
1. Keeps you hydrated 补水
A medium-sized watermelon is about 92% water, so it's a great option to keep you hydrated.
一个中等大小的西瓜大约有92%是水分 , 因此吃西瓜补水效果是很好的 。
2. Contains essential vitamins 富含基本维生素
Watermelon contains many essential vitamins your body needs, including:
西瓜含有许多身体所需的基本维生素 , 包括:
Vitamin A, which helps maintain eyesight and support lung health.
Vitamin C, which helps our bodies absorb iron and keeps the immune system strong.
维生素C:有助于身体吸收铁 , 保持强大的免疫力;
Vitamin B6, which also helps support the immune system and heart health.
Magnesium, which helps regulate muscle and nerve function.
镁:有助于调节肌肉和神经功能 。
Watermelon also contains important minerals known as electrolytes, one of which is potassium. Electrolytes are crucial for keeping us hydrated, contracting our muscles, and regulating pH levels.
西瓜还含有钾等重要矿物质组成的电解质 。 电解质对于补水、收缩肌肉以及调节人体PH值至关重要 。
3. Assists in weight management 有助于减肥
One cup of watermelon contains about 45 calories, making it a low-calorie snack. The high water content in watermelon can also be filling and help you eat fewer calories overall.
一杯份西瓜含有约45卡的热量 , 算得上是低热量食物 。 西瓜含有的大量水分可以产生饱腹感 , 让你总体上摄入的热量减少 。
A small 2019 study examining the effects of watermelon consumption on satiety and body weight in overweight and obese adults found those who consumed two cups of watermelon daily for four weeks reported feeling less hungry and lost significantly more weight than the group who consumed low-fat cookies with the same amount of calories.
2019年的一项针对超重和肥胖成人的小型研究调查了吃西瓜对于饱腹感和体重的影响 。 结果发现 , 相比每天摄入同等热量的低脂饼干的人 , 连续四周每天摄入两杯份西瓜的人报告称感觉没那么饿 , 减重也更多 。
4. May prevent muscle soreness 防止肌肉酸痛
Watermelon contains L-citrulline, an amino acid that may help reduce muscle soreness after a workout.
西瓜含有L-瓜氨酸 , 这种氨基酸可以帮助减轻锻炼后的肌肉酸痛 。
The way it works is that L-citrulline dilates blood vessels, opening them up to allow for more blood flow to the muscles which can decrease soreness by improving the supply of oxygen during exercise.
L-瓜氨酸可以扩张血管 , 让肌肉的血流量增加 , 从而在锻炼时增加供氧量 , 减轻肌肉酸痛 。
5. May lower blood pressure 降低血压
Because L-citrulline helps open and relax blood vessels, it can improve blood flow and lower blood pressure. Staying properly hydrated can also help improve blood pressure because it helps the heart pump blood to muscles more effectively.
因为L-瓜氨酸有助于扩张和放松血管 , 从而可以改善血流 , 降低血压 。 适当补水还能帮助改善血压 , 因为可以有助于心脏更有效地把血液输送到肌肉 。
A small 2012 study found watermelon extract supplementation reduced blood pressure in obese adults with hypertension.
2012年的一项小型研究发现 , 从西瓜提取的补充剂可以降低患有高血压的肥胖成人的血压 。
6. Reduces risk of disease 降低患病风险
Watermelon contains the antioxidant, lycopene, which can help ward off diseases, like cancer or heart disease. This antioxidant is also present in other red fruits and vegetables, including tomatoes.
西瓜含有抗氧化的番茄红素 , 有助于抵御癌症和心脏病等疾病 。 这种抗氧化成分还存在于包括西红柿在内的其他红色蔬果中 。
Some studies have indicated lycopene may help protect against certain cancers, like prostate cancer. This is because lycopene appears to lower the insulin-like growth factor (IGF), a protein linked to cancer in high levels.
一些研究表明 , 番茄红素可能有助于防止患上某些癌症 , 比如前列腺癌 。 这是因为番茄红素似乎能够减少胰岛素样生长因子 , 这种蛋白质和癌症有高度关联 。
7. Improves digestion 改善消化
Fiber is important for digestion because it adds bulk to stool, making it easier to pass. Watermelon doesn't contain much fiber — about one gram per cup — but its high water content can help improve digestion by moving along waste.
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