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社区|社区高血压患者管理探索课件( 三 )

按关键词阅读: 高血压患者 社区 课件 探索 管理

23、综合防治示范点高血压防治方案对社区成人高血压进行社区综合防治是可行的 。
我国的高血压人群还在不断的上升 , 所以高血压的防治应该从儿童抓起 , 重视一级预防 , 而我们对社区高血压的管理才起步 , 所做的工作还很不够 , 在今后的工作中不断摸索和学习 , 逐步提高高血压的达标率 , 以期达到预防和控制高血压 , 降低心脑血管疾病的发病率和死亡率 , 从而为提高居民的健康水平 , 促进社会的进步和和谐发展 , 做出我们的一份努力 。
By regular management to hypertension for one year, we think it is possible to use The program of preventi 。

24、on and cure of hypertension of demonstration site of nationwide general prevention and cure of chronic diseases to treat and prevent hypertension in community . Now more and more people suffer from hypertension in our country, so its prevention and treatment should be start from children, we should。

【社区|社区高血压患者管理探索课件】25、pay more attention to first class prevention. regular management to hypertension in community is just start and Our work is not enough , we will continue our investigation and study, increase well controlled rate, reach our purpose which is preventing and controlling hypertension, lower incidence and death rate of heart and cerebral disease ,elevate peoples health level, promote social progress and development 。



标题:社区|社区高血压患者管理探索课件( 三 )

