内梅斯住宅( 二 )
The traditional facade is composed by natural stone retrieved from excavation on site, combined with an innovative system of draining, ventilation and insulation. Large floor to ceiling high openings with high thermal performance maximize views and natural light emphasizing the transition from inside to outside. The hidden window frames are embedded into the floor and ceiling, as well as into the external stone cladding and internal lining. The garden patio and the sun shading canopies act as a mediating filter between inside and outside.
In the living room, the large corner window of six meters which continues for another one and a half meters becomes one of the most significant points of the house. The great transparency emphasizes the diverse scenery of the nature which evolves over the seasons of the year. In the evening external lighting accentuates the materiality of the stone walls creating a sensational atmosphere. Key elements of the project are distinguished, highlighting the oak tree, the pool and the patio lounge with the outside fireplace.
The interior is defined by a simple timeless design combining high quality pure materials and details, as natural timber and stone, with industrial concrete floors and gypsum plaster. The build in furniture and internal doors are custom made in natural oak. The slot of the doors are ceiling high and add to the flowing room arrangement allowing for a functional and visual connection of the private and semi private rooms.
The bespoke furniture of the living room is composed by the kitchen, the bar, the library and the fireplace and TV wall. The arrangement alternates with the large openings and emphasizes them as standalone items. The warm timber panels are in harmony with the imprints of the timber cast boards of the exposed concrete wall to the back of the living room, which functions as a feature art wall.
The design of the bedrooms is essential and allows for different fit out arrangements with bespoke build in oak furniture. The bathrooms instead are clad with natural stone, timber furniture and corian sanitary ware. Solar panels and photovoltaic are used for underfloor heating and mechanical ventilation, 80% of the energy consumption is produced by the sun and without the use of fossil fuels, the remaining 20% are covered by a heat pump. The highly insulated subterranean concrete shelf, the thermal mass, the green roof with the efficient control of solar light and the use of renewable energy only reduces significantly any thermal disparity and the consumption footprint of the building while obtaining a superior house comfort and air quality, bringing the building up to Passivhaus standards.
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