疫情肆虐 , 人命关天 。 病毒是人类的共同敌人 , 全世界都应该携手共同应对疫情挑战 。 然而以美国为代表的西方一些政客和媒体不把精力放在抗击疫情上面 , 却费劲心机“甩锅”中国 , 编造了各种匪夷所思的谎言 。 一时间 , 谎言、谣传和阴谋论甚嚣尘上 。 来看看新冠肺炎疫情中关于中国的18个最常见谣言和事实真相 。With the COVID-19 pandemic affecting different parts of the world, the virus has become the common enemy of mankind. The world should stand in solidarity to combat the pandemic. However, some Western politicians and media, especially those from the United States, came up with groundless lies. Disinformation, rumors and conspiracy theories about China were making a great clamor. Here are the 18 most common allegations against China and the corresponding facts.
谣言1:“中国是病毒源头 , 新冠病毒是‘中国病毒’”真相:新冠病毒源头尚未确定 , 病毒命名不得与特定国家相联系Allegation No.1: China is the origin of COVID-19. It is the “Chinese virus.”Fact: The origin of COVID-19 remains uncertain. The name of a virus should not be associated with specific countries or regions.新冠病毒源自何处 , 这是一个严肃的科学问题 , 应由科学家而非政治家来解答 。 历史上最初病例的报告地往往不是病毒来源地 。 医学期刊《国际抗菌剂杂志》刊文称新冠病毒2019年12月底已在法国传播 , 且该病例与中国缺乏关联 。 世卫组织指出 , “各国科研人员正在努力寻找新冠病毒来源” , 因此新冠病毒最先出现在哪里尚没有定论 , 有多种可能 。The origin of COVID-19 is a scientific issue which should be determined by scientists instead of politicians. Where the disease was first reported in history was often not the place it originated. The article in the medical journal International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents says that COVID-19 was already spreading in France in late December 2019, and the case is not related to China. WHO points out that scientists are still researching the origin of the virus. It remains unclear where COVID-19 first appeared.关于病毒命名 , 世卫组织早在2015年就出台人类传染病和病原体命名相关建议 , 指出应避免使用地名、国名和人物、动物名称及可能引发恐慌的概念 。 今年2月 , 世卫组织宣布将新冠肺炎正式命名为“2019冠状病毒病”(COVID—19) 。 许多西方主流媒体报道 , 由于将亚裔群体与新冠病毒不当关联 , 美国亚裔面临严重排外情绪 , 屡屡受到种族歧视的骚扰和攻击 。 英国《自然》期刊4月连发三次社论 , 对错误地将新冠病毒与武汉和中国关联在一起道歉 , 呼吁立即停止新冠病毒污名化 , 避免将病毒与特定位置相关联的不负责任行为 。As for naming new human diseases and viruses, WHO guidelines advise against including geographic locations and cultural/population references in the disease name. In February 2020, WHO announced the official names of the novel coronavirus and the disease it causes – SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19. According to some Western media reports, anti-Asian racism is on the rise due to the improper correlation between the virus and the Asians in the US. British journal Nature published three editorials in April, apologizing for falsely relating the virus to China and Wuhan. The magazine stands against COVID-19 stigmatization and irresponsible actions that associate viruses with specific locations.谣言2:“新冠病毒系武汉病毒研究所人为制造”真相:所有现有证据表明 , 新冠病毒源于自然而非人为制造Allegation No.2: COVID-19 is man-made at the Wuhan Institute of Virology lab.Fact: All scientific evidence indicates that the COVID-19 originates in nature rather than man-made.“病毒人造论”遭到了国际权威机构及多数病毒学、免疫学领域学者的批驳 。 《柳叶刀》《自然·医学》等权威学术期刊都先后发文强调病毒源于自然 。 5月1日 , 世卫组织卫生紧急项目负责人迈克尔·瑞安表示 , 已有许多科学家研究了新冠肺炎病毒基因序列 , 确信新冠肺炎病毒来自自然界 。 法国免疫学家、新冠疫情科学委员会负责人让-弗朗索瓦·德尔弗雷西表示 , 新冠病毒源自实验室的假设是“一种不属于真正科学范畴的阴谋论观点” 。The idea that the SARS-CoV-2 is man-made has been criticized by international agencies and scholars specialized in virology and immunology. Science journals, such as The Lancet and Nature Medicine, published articles proving SARS-CoV-2 is natural in origin. On May 1, Dr. Michael Ryan, executive director of the WHO Health Emergencies Program, said they have listened to numerous scientists who""""ve looked at the sequences and they were assured that this virus is natural in origin. The hypothesis that the virus was created in a Wuhan lab is “a conspiracy vision that does not relate to the real science,” said Jean-Francois Delfraissy, a French immunologist and head of the scientific council that advises the government on the COVID-19 pandemic.就连美国科学界和情报机构也反对“病毒人造论” 。 美国国立卫生研究院院长柯林斯发表博客文章指出 , 该病毒是自然产生的 , 并非人类创造 , 不是实验室的操作产物 。 4月30日 , 美国国家情报总监办公室官方网站发表声明称 , 美情报界同意科学界的广泛共识 , 即新冠病毒不是人造 , 也未经过基因改造 。Even US scientists and intelligence agencies stand against the “man-made virus theory”. Dr Francis Collins, director of the US National Institutes of Health (NIH), said in a blog post that the SARS-CoV-2 originates from nature – it is not “a product of purposeful manipulation in a lab.” On April 30, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) said that US intelligence agencies were in the broad scientific consensus, saying that the SARS-CoV-2 was not man-made or genetically modified.谣言3:“新冠病毒系武汉病毒研究所事故泄露”真相:无证据表明武汉病毒研究所发生过病原泄露或人员感染事故Allegation No.3: SARS-CoV-2 was accidentally leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology.Fact: There is no evidence of pathogen leaks or staff infectionsin the Institute.武汉病毒研究所P4实验室是中法政府合作项目 , 具有严格的防护设施和措施 。 在2019年12月30日接收新冠肺炎患者的首批检测试样前 , 并无证据表明武汉病毒研究所的实验室内存在新冠病毒 。 截至目前 , 该研究所内也无人感染新冠肺炎 。The P4 laboratory at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) is a collaborative project with the French government. The lab is equipped with strict protective facilities and measures to ensure safety. There had been no SARS-CoV-2 in the lab until December 30, 2019 ,when the first COVID-19 patient specimens were delivered there. Up to now, no one in the WIV has become ill with COVID-19.已与武汉病毒研究所合作长达15年的美国生态健康联盟主席达什亚克博士(Peter Daszak)在接受采访时表示 , 关于新冠病毒从实验室逃逸的说法纯粹是胡说八道 。 武汉病毒研究所的实验室内没有与新冠病毒相关的病毒培养 , 所谓实验室泄漏绝无可能 。 美国国家过敏症和传染病研究所主任福奇也表示 , 现有证据显示新冠病毒不是来自中国实验室 。Dr Peter Daszak, the president of the EcoHealth Alliance, who has been working with the Wuhan Institute of Virology for 15 years, said in an interview that the idea that SARS-CoV-2 escaped from the lab was pure nonsense. The Wuhan P4 Laboratory didn’t have the virus that led to COVID-19, and what has been found now are close relatives, not the same virus. So it’s not a possibility that the virus could have come from that lab. Anthony Fauci, the US NIAID director, also said that the best evidence shows the virus was not made in a lab in China.谣言4:“中国人故意出国向世界散播病毒”真相:中国在最短时间内采取最严格防控措施 , 输出病例很少Allegation No.4: Chinese are going abroad to spread the virus to the rest of the world on purpose.Fact: The Chinese government adopted the most strict prevention and control measures in a short time. Very few cases are exported abroad.中国政府在疫情发生后及时采取了最全面、最严格、最彻底的防控措施 , 有效切断了病毒传播链 。 1月23日中国暂时关闭离汉通道 。 1月24日起 , 中国全国旅行社及在线旅游企业被要求暂停经营团队旅游及“机票+酒店”旅游产品 。 1月24日至4月8日武汉无商业航班 , 亦无列车离汉 。 不可能有武汉居民在此期间前往海外 。Once the outbreak occurred, the Chinese government took the most comprehensive, strict, and thorough prevention and control measures in modern history, which effectively cut off virus transmission channels. On January 23, China temporarily put Wuhan under lockdown. Since January 24, travel agencies and online travel companies in China were required to suspend operating most travel services and products. From January 24 to April 8, there were no outbound commercial flights or train services. Wuhan residents couldn’t travel overseas during this period as well.从全球看 , 统计显示中国输出病例很少 。 加拿大几个大省疫情统计数据显示 , 病毒系由美国旅行者传入加拿大 。 俄罗斯输入病例无一例来自中国 。 澳大利亚卫生部数据显示 , 从东北亚输入病例所占比重极小 。 新加坡从中国输入病例不及从其他国家输入的1/10 。Statistics show that very few cases are exported from China. Data in several major Canadian provinces show that the COVID-19 was brought into Canada by American travelers. None of the Russian cases were imported from China. Data from Australian Department of Health shows that the proportion of imported cases from Northeast Asia was extremely small. In Singapore, cases imported from China were less than one-tenth of those from other countries.谣言5:“中国早期隐瞒疫情导致疫情在世界蔓延”真相:中国本着公开、透明、负责任态度 , 第一时间对外发布了信息Allegation No.5: China’s initial cover-up led to the spread of the virus globally.Fact: China lost no time in announcing related COVID-19 information in an open, transparent and responsible manner.2019年12月27日 , 湖北省中西医结合医院呼吸与危重症医学科主任张继先医生第一时间报告其接诊的3例不明原因肺炎患者情况 。 这是中国地方部门首次报告可疑病例 。On December 27, 2019, Dr Zhang Jixian, director of the respiratory and critical care medicine department of Hubei Provincial Hospital of Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine, reported three cases of pneumonia of unknown cause immediately after receiving the patients. This is the first reporting of suspected cases received by local authorities in China.开展流行病学调查三天后 , 2019年12月31日 , 武汉市卫健委发布《关于当前我市肺炎疫情的情况通报》 。 当天 , 中国向世卫组织驻华代表处通报了武汉出现不明原因肺炎病例信息 。 对中国医生和卫生部门在流感季节迅速发现新冠病毒 , 世卫组织总干事谭德塞和首席科学家斯瓦米纳桑在《柳叶刀》撰文表示高度赞赏 。Three days after the epidemiological investigation, the Wuhan Municipal Health Commission released a situation report on pneumonia of unknown cause in Wuhan. On the same day, China informed the WHO China Country Office of cases of pneumonia of unknown cause detected in Wuhan. The WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus and Dr Soumya Swaminathan wrote in a paper on the Lancet, praising Chinese doctors and health departments for their rapid discovery of the new coronavirus during the flu season.需要指出的是 , 新冠病毒是新发现的病毒 , 在疫情初期 , 几乎没有任何可供借鉴的科学依据 , 证明这种新型病毒可能会导致危险的大流行病 。 正如钟南山院士在1月20日接受采访时所说 , “疾病有时对它的认知有个过程 , 现在检测能够比较快地检出来;专家在研判的过程中 , 以前是国家部门严格地鉴定以后才可以 , 现在两次检测有阳性就可以定 。 新发疾病在早期是有一个过程的 。 ”SARS-CoV-2 is a newly discovered virus. In the early stage of the outbreak, there was little evidence proving that it could cause a pandemic. “It takes time to recognize a new disease. During the research process, only after strict authentication of government agencies, can experts be sure of the testing results. Now after recognizing the virus, the testing process is simplified. If the patient is tested positive twice, the case is confirmed,” China’s top respiratory expert Zhong Nanshan said in an interview on January 20.2020年1月3日 , 中方开始定期向世卫组织、包括美国在内的有关国家以及中国港澳台地区及时、主动通报疫情信息 。 中国自始至终公开、透明、及时、负责任地应对、通报疫情 , 世卫组织称赞“中方行动速度之快、规模之大 , 世所罕见” 。On January 3, 2020, China began sending regular, timely updates about the novel coronavirus to WHO, other countries including the United States, and China’s Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan regions. China has responded and notified the world about the epidemic in an open, transparent, timely, and responsible manner. WHO said that “the high speed and massive scale of China""""s moves are rarely seen in the world.”谣言6:“中国在应对疫情中严重侵犯人权”真相:中国在疫情面前捍卫了“最关键人权”——人的生命Allegation No.6: China seriously violated human rights in its handling of the COVID-19 pandemic.Fact: China has put human lives at priority, which is the top “human right.”生命权是最基本的人权 , 为联合国《世界人权宣言》和国际人权公约所确认和保障 。 多米尼加共和国科学院院士爱德华多·克林格说:“中国政府采取了坚决有力且对世界人民负责的措施防止疫情扩散 。 有人叫嚣这是‘侵犯人权’ , 纯属无稽之谈 。 ”The right to life is the most fundamental human right, confirmed and guaranteed by the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights and International Bill of Human Rights. Eduardo Klinger, academician of the Dominican Republic Academy of Sciences, noted that the Chinese government adopted measures that are decisive and responsible for the people around the world to curb the spread of the virus, and the theory of the so-called human right violations is total nonsense.英国伦敦市经济与商业政策署前署长罗思义撰文一语中的 , 中国在疫情面前捍卫了“最关键人权”——人的生命 。 《科学》杂志研究报告预估 , 中国严格的防控措施使中国减少了超过70万的感染者 。 在国内 , 中国政府严格防控 , 不计成本收治患者 。 在国际上 , 中国以实际行动开展抗疫合作、提供援助 。 中国对国际人权事业作出的贡献有目共睹 。John Ross, former director of Economic and Business Policy for the Mayor of London, said that China has defended “the key human right” in the lethal epidemic – helping people stay alive. The findings published in the journal Science suggest that China""""s control measures during the epidemic may have prevented more than 700,000 infections nationwide. The Chinese government strictly controls and treats patients regardless of cost. Internationally, China has carried out concrete anti-virus cooperation and assistance. China""""s contributions to international human rights are obvious.谣言7:“中国太晚提供关于病毒人传人的信息”真相:中方发出的信息及时且强烈 , 美方早就知晓病毒危害性Allegation No.7: China did not report the human-to-human transmission of COVID-19 in time.Fact: China issued strong warnings in a timely manner. The US knew the danger of the virus all along.新冠病毒是新发现的病毒 。 确定一种新型病毒可以人传人 , 需要一个科学、严格的论证程序 。 1月9日 , 中方专家组已通过媒体确认病例病原体初步判定为新型冠状病毒 。 1月20日 , 国家卫健委高级别专家组向媒体通报 , 新冠病毒可人传人 。SARS-CoV-2 is a newly discovered virus. It takes scientific effort and rigorous process to prove whether the virus can be transmitted from person to person. On January 20, China""""s National Health Commission informed the media that the novel coronavirus could be transmitted from person to person.中国政府立即采取了最为严格、全面、彻底的防控措施 。 1月23日 , 1200万人口的武汉封城 。 1月25日 , 6000万人口的湖北省封省 。 中国以令人震撼的方式向世人发出强烈预警信息 。The Chinese government immediately adopted the most stringent, comprehensive, and thorough prevention and control measures. On January 23, China put Wuhan, a city of 12 million people, under lockdown. Hubei Province, with a population of 60 million, was locked down on January 25. China sent a strong and powerful warning to the world in an alarming way.美方对病毒危害性一直了如指掌 。 美国是第一个从武汉撤出其领馆人员、也是第一个宣布对中国公民入境采取全面限制措施的国家 。 今年1月以来 , 白宫和多个政府部门公共卫生专家一再警告疫情的严重性 , 但白宫官员基调一直是“不要恐慌” 。 然而 , 直到3月初 , 美政府才严肃承认美国内新冠肺炎疫情危险性和严重性 。The US has been well aware of the danger of the virus all along. It was the first country to pull out personnel from its consulate-general in Wuhan and the first to announce entry restrictions on all Chinese citizens. Since January, public health experts repeatedly warned about the epidemic, but the White House officials responded by repeating “don""""t panic." It was not until early March that the US government recognized the danger and severity of the epidemic situation in the US.谣言8:“中国在确诊和病亡等疫情数据上造假”真相:中方数据完全公开透明 , 数据低是因为防控严Allegation No.8: China provided false data on confirmed cases and deaths of COVID-19.Fact: China’s data sharing is open and transparent. The low figures are due to strict prevention and control measures.中国全国的确诊和死亡病例数为什么较低?这要归功于中国政府及时采取了最全面、最严格、最彻底的防控措施 。 连世界卫生组织总干事谭德塞也感叹:“我一生中从未见过这样的动员 。 ”China’s relatively low confirmed cases and fatalities are due to the country’s comprehensive, strict, and thorough prevention and control measures. Tedros commented that he had never seen this kind of mobilization in his life.4月17日 , 武汉市订正确诊和病亡人数 , 美国一些政客借此指责中国掩盖了前期大量病例的证据 。 孰不知 , 订正数据是国际通行做法 。 其他一些国家也在不断对疫情数据进行订正 , 美国自己也在不断订正 。 武汉市按照有关规定 , 经过仔细排查核对 , 主动订正有关数据 , 是中国秉持公开、透明、负责任原则的力证 。On April 17, the Wuhan government revised the city""""s confirmed cases and accumulated death tolls. Some US politicians regarded that as evidence of China covering up a large number of early cases. However, revising data is an internationally accepted practice. Some other countries are continually revising their data, and the US itself is continually revising. Wuhan revised the relevant data, providing strong proof of China upholding the principles of openness, transparency, and responsibility in data releasing.事实上 , 中国战疫过程全程公开 , 从1月起 , 中国每天公布确诊病例、病亡人数、疑似病例、密切接触者、隔离观察人员 。 世界卫生组织总干事高级顾问布鲁斯·艾尔沃德指出:“中国没有隐瞒数据 , 世卫组织赴华专家组展开的多项考察都可以证明 。 ”耶鲁大学教授克里斯塔基斯也表示 , 自己的论文结果证实了中国病例数报告的准确性 。China’s actions in responding to COVID-19 are transparent. Since January, China has announced the confirmed cases, fatalities, suspected cases, close contacts, and quarantine numbers. Dr. Bruce Aylward, a senior advisor to the WHO director-general, noted in an interview that China is not hiding anything. And the data he collected through talks with physicians from various hospitals and other stakeholders could help corroborate China’s data. Yale Professor Nicholas A Christakis also said that his research sheds light on accuracy of Chinese COVID-19 reporting.谣言9:“中国驱逐美国采访人员是为了隐藏疫情”真相:中方措施是对美方打压中方驻美媒体机构的反制 , 中方信息发布及时透明Allegation No. 9: China expelled US journalists to hide the COVID-19 epidemic.Fact:China""""s measures are in response to the US oppression of Chinese media outlets in the US, and the country’s release of informationhas been timely and transparent.3月18日 , 中国宣布针对美方打压中国媒体驻美机构行为采取反制措施 , 包括要求《纽约时报》、《华尔街日报》、《华盛顿邮报》年底前采访人员证到期的美籍采访人员于10天内交还采访人员证 , 今后不得在中华人民共和国 , 包括香港、澳门特别行政区继续从事采访人员工作 。 中方措施是对美方长期打压中方驻美媒体机构、特别是近期驱逐60名中方采访人员的对等反制 , 而不是所谓的“为了隐藏疫情” 。On March 18, China announced that it would take countermeasures against US oppression of Chinese media outlets in the US, including demanding that journalists of US citizenship working with the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal and the Washington Post whose press credentials are due to expire before the end of 2020 hand back their press cards within 10 calendar days. They will not be allowed to continue working as journalists in the People""""s Republic of China, including its Hong Kong and Macao special administrative regions. China""""s measures are a reciprocal response to the US long-term crackdown on Chinese media outlets in the US, especially the recent expulsion of 60 Chinese journalists, rather than "hiding the epidemic."自疫情发生以来 , 中方秉持公开、透明和负责任的态度 , 每天在网上向外界公布疫情数据 。 外国驻华采访人员每个工作日都可出席国务院联防联控机制、国务院新闻办、外交部组织的例行采访人员会 , 就任何关心的与疫情相关的问题提问 。 大批外国驻华采访人员在武汉采访 , 发表大量第一手报道 , 外界获取中国有关疫情信息未受任何影响 。 中方始终欢迎各国媒体和采访人员依法依规在中国从事采访报道工作 , 中方反对的是针对中国的意识形态偏见 , 反对的是借所谓新闻自由炮制假新闻 , 反对的是违反新闻职业道德的行为 。Since the outbreak, China has been open, transparent and responsible, in updating the public on a daily basis on the COVID-19 situation on the Internet. Foreign correspondents in China can attend regular press conferences organized by the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council, the State Council Information Office and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs every working day to ask questions about any issue related to the outbreak. A large number of foreign journalists in Wuhan interviewed and published abundant first-hand reports. Foreign access to information about the outbreak in China has not been affected. China always welcomes media outlets and journalists of various countries to conduct interviews and reports in China in accordance with laws and regulations. China opposes ideological bias, the use of so-called freedom of the press to fabricate fake news, and violations of journalistic ethics.谣言10:“台湾早就向世卫组织发出病毒人传人的警告”真相:中国台湾地区并未向世卫组织发出警告 , 而是在武汉卫健委发出疫情通报后向世卫组织寻求更多信息Allegation No. 10: Taiwan warned WHO about human-to-human transmission of SARS-CoV-2 at an early stage.Fact: China""""s Taiwan region did not warn WHO, but sought more information from the organization after Wuhan Municipal Health Commission reported the disease.武汉市2019年12月31日对外发布不明原因肺炎疫情情况通报后 , 台卫生部门向国家卫健委发函了解武汉卫健委发布的信息 , 国家卫健委通过两岸医药卫生合作协议联系窗口及时予以了书面回复 。 同日 , 台卫生部门向世卫组织发送所谓“预警”邮件 。 该邮件未提及“人传人” , 主要是向世卫组织了解情况 。 事实很清楚 , 大陆方面首先公布信息 , 台卫生部门再进行转述 , 不存在所谓台湾首先向世卫组织报告的情况 。After Wuhan reported cases of pneumonia of unknown cause on December 31, 2019, the local health department in Taiwan sent a letter to the National Health Commission (NHC) inquiring about the information released by the Wuhan Municipal Health Commission. The NHC promptly made a written reply through the designated contact points specified in the Cross-Strait Cooperation Agreement on Medicine and Public Health Affairs. On the same day, the health department in Taiwan sent the so-called “warning email” to WHO. The email made no reference to human-to-human transmission. It was primarily an inquiry about information from WHO. The facts are clear. It was the mainland of China who first released the information, and the health department in Taiwan merely relayed the message. Taiwan did not make a report to the WHO first.世卫组织多次澄清 , 中国台湾地区没有向其“示警” 。 5月4日 , 世卫组织卫生紧急项目负责人迈克尔·瑞安表示 , 台湾2019年12月31日发给世卫组织的电子邮件不是警告 , 而是要求世卫组织就媒体报道的非典型肺炎提供更多信息 。 不明白为什么这个故事还在流传 。WHO has repeatedly clarified that Taiwan did not give it a “warning.” Dr. Michael Ryan, executive director of the WHO Health Emergencies Program, clarified on May 4 that the email sent from Taiwan on December 31, 2019 was not a warning, but a request for more information on cases of atypical pneumonia reported by news sources. He doesn""""t understand why the story is still spreading.未完待续分页标题