
你可能吃过很多次寿司 , 但你了解应该用寿司的哪一面来蘸调料吗?吃奶油纸杯蛋糕的时候 , 你是否习惯性地先吃奶油?为了更好地享用美食 , 知道它们的正确吃法很有必要 。

【「」双语|寿司的哪一面应该蘸调料?这5种食物的正确吃法原来是这样的】According to renowned sushi chef Nobuyuki Matsuhisa, founder of the Nobu restaurants, a lot of people eat sushi incorrectly.
著名的寿司大厨、Nobu餐厅的创始人松久信幸指出 , 很多人吃寿司的方法都是不正确的 。
He said that when you dip your sushi in soy sauce, you should keep it fish-side-down since the rice absorbs the salty sauce too quickly.
他说 , 用寿司蘸酱时 , 你应该用生鱼片那一面来蘸酱 , 因为米饭会过快吸收咸味的酱油 。
Matsuhisa also said that you can enjoy your sushi with your fingers, but chopsticks work just fine.
松久信幸还说 , 你可以用手拿起寿司享用 , 但是用筷子夹着吃也一样美味 。

The classic New York slice — a hand-tossed, thin-crust pizza topped with marinara and mozzarella — is traditionally taken to-go, and local lore dictates that it be eaten in a very specific way.
经典的纽约披萨——洒了海员式沙司和马苏里拉奶酪的手抛薄皮披萨——传统上都是外带食品 , 当地风俗决定了它的吃法也很特别 。
marinara [?m?r??n?r?]: n.(意大利烹饪用的含西红柿、大蒜、洋葱等调制成的)海员式沙司
mozzarella [?mɑ?ts??rel?]: n. 马苏里拉奶酪
Knife and fork? Absolutely not. Mopping the oil off the top? Don't even think about it.
刀叉?完全不需要 。把油从表层抹去?想都不要想 。
Instead, Serious Eats' resident pizza aficionado Adam Kuban suggests a time-honored technique, which he calls the "Fold Hold." It's simple, really: just fold your slice in half, tip it over the plate to drain off any unnecessary grease, and go to town.
披萨的狂热爱好者、食物博客Serious Eats的用户亚当·库班建议人们采用一种历史悠久的吃法 , 他称之为“手卷式” 。这种吃法真的很简单:只要把你的那片披萨对半折叠 , 把一端放在盘子上方让多余的油脂流掉 , 然后就可以尽情享用了 。
aficionado [??f????nɑ?do?]: n. 迷;狂热爱好者
go to town: 尽心尽力 , 尽情享受

Although cupcakes don't require utensils, taking the first bite of a cupcake can be messy and lead to a top-heavy cupcake with an uneven ratio of frosting to cake.
尽管吃纸杯蛋糕不需要餐具 , 但是第一口可能会黏糊糊的 , 因为糖霜和蛋糕的比例失调 , 吃到后面会有一种头重脚轻的感觉 , 前面油腻厚重而后面寡淡无味 。
But according to Foodbeast, if you unwrap the cupcake, break off the bottom, and place it over the frosting on top, you'll wind up with a cupcake-icing sandwich that's compact, tidy, and still offers you both cake and frosting in every bite.分页标题
食品博客Foodbeast指出 , 如果你在撕掉纸杯蛋糕的包装纸后 , 把底部的蛋糕掰下来放在顶部的糖霜上 , 你会得到一个糖霜馅的三明治 , 不但紧凑整洁 , 而且每一口都能吃到蛋糕和糖霜 。

James Cornwall, head chef at London seafood restaurant J Sheekey, told British GQ that, when eating hot lobster, you'll want to eat the tail first because it gets cold the fastest.
伦敦海鲜餐厅J Sheekey的主厨詹姆斯·康沃尔告诉《英国绅士季刊》说 , 吃热乎乎的龙虾时 , 应该先吃虾尾 , 因为虾尾凉得最快 。
Cornwall also advised eating the claws last because they typically stay warm longer and can be tough to break into.
康沃尔还建议最后吃爪子 , 因为爪子通常可以更长久地保温 , 而且外壳也难以剥开 。
Plus, eating lobster in this order can be cleaner when it comes to disposing of the lobster's shell.
此外 , 用这一顺序吃龙虾 , 清理虾壳时也比较整洁 。

Pomegranate seeds make for a highly versatile ingredient, working beautifully in salads, salsas, fruit salads, and many dishes in between. However, they can also be tricky to maneuver and just a little too much pressure will cause them to pop and stain your fingers.
石榴籽是用途很广泛的一种配料 , 在蔬菜和水果沙拉、萨尔萨辣酱还有很多配菜中都表现出色 。但是 , 石榴籽不好剥 , 稍微用点力就会蹦出来把手指弄脏 。
To effectively shave the seeds away from the rest of the pomegranate, there are multiple removal methods out there, including one involving water.
想要高效率地把石榴籽剥出来 , 有多种办法 , 其中一种是用水 。
If you're not interested in keeping the juice, submerge the pomegranate in a bowl of water and watch the pith float to the top, leaving you with clean, easy-to-remove seeds.
如果你不需要保留石榴汁 , 你就把石榴浸在一碗水中 , 石榴的精华汁液就会慢慢浮到水面上 , 留在碗底的都是干净、好剥的石榴籽 。
pith [p?θ]: n. 精髓;核心
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