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近日,加拿大视频博主柯克·阿佩兰(Kirk Apesland)在中国隔离期间发布的一则视频火了!
自疫情暴发以来,西方媒体歪曲事实的报道层出不穷 。在广西南宁隔离第十一天的柯克·阿佩兰决定在自己的视频节目Gweilo 60上揭批外媒 。

不难看出,区区改几个词,外媒就能完成了一篇“黑中国”的报道 。而对于很多完全不了解中国的外国人来说,这样歪曲事实的报道,无疑加深了他们对中国的偏见 。
柯克·阿佩兰在视频中说道:“西方媒体总会从负面对中国进行报道 。我不只是在说美国、加拿大、英国,甚至包含所有的五眼联盟国家或是附庸他们的国家,比如日本 。我就不直接提台湾地区了,因为台湾属于中国 。”
We all know that the Western media will tell negative stories about China. And I'm not just talking the United States, Canada, Great Britain, but pretty well every Five Eyes country or anybody that's sort of affiliated with them, like Japan. Well, I'm not even gonna say Taiwan region, because Taiwan region is China 。
“他们操纵媒体的做法如出一辙 。” 柯克·阿佩兰认为:“问题不只在于这些媒体报道的内容,更在于他们描述的方式 。他们在用词上耍手腕大做文章 。”
They go down the same road with the manipulation of the media, but it's not just the stories that they tell you in the news. It's the way that they portray it. It's the language manipulation that they use 。
下面开始划重点,柯克·阿佩兰反复提醒观众,看视频的时候要认真揣摩西方媒体使用的话术和字眼 。“这样下次也许就更能理解他们努力想加的戏了 。”
“中国不是开除官员,而是清除他们 。”
China doesn't fire officials. They purge them 。
“中国的贪官不说是因为贪污被定罪,他们是权力斗争失败了 。”
Corrupt Chinese officials don't get convicted for corruption, they lose power struggles 。
“中国的领导人不是强化法制,而是集中权力 。”
Chinese leaders don't strengthen laws. They concentrate power 。
“中国不是发放贷款,而是制造‘债务陷阱’ 。我在与一带一路相关的新闻里经常听到这种说法 。”
China doesn't give out loans. They trap countries in debt. Oh yeah, well I've heard that a lot on the Belt and Road Initiative 。
“中国领导人不是希望他们的国家和平繁荣,而是沉迷于维稳 。”
Chinese leaders don't want their country to prosper peacefully. They are obsessed with stability 。
“一些国家和国际组织不是在真心称赞中国,而是在取悦这个国际影响力越来越大的国家 。”
Countries and international organizations don't praise China. They pander to the increasing global influence 。
“中国人不是参加集会,而是突然冲向某地 。”
Chinese people don't attend rallies. They descend upon them 。
“中国的媒体不报道新闻,报道的都是政治宣传 。这是最常见的一种说法 。”
The Chinese media doesn't report news. It reports propaganda. This is the biggest one 。
“中国不是调整病例统计方式,而是瞒报了病例数 。想想这种说法 。无论中国发布什么数据,通过新闻发布给公众,或是分享给国际合作伙伴,他们的数据都不是真实的 。如果是坏事,那就是瞒报;如果是好事,那就是夸大 。你懂我的意思吧?”
China doesn't revise counting methodologies. It underreports cases. China doesn't revise counting methodologies. It underreports cases. Think about that one. Doesn't matter which numbers they take out and put out in the public, in the news, give their international partners. It's not true is what they're saying. They're underreported if it's bad. If it's good, well then it's over-reported. Of course, you know what I mean?
“中国不是治疗病患,而是把他们圈禁起来 。”
China doesn't treat patients. It rounds them up 。
“出现卫生紧急事态时,中国不是依法征用私立医院,而是没收它们 。”
China doesn't requisition private hospitals during the health emergency by passing laws. It seizes them. It doesn't requisition. It seizes them 。
“中国人不是爱国,他们只是被洗脑了 。”
Chinese people are not patriotic. They're brainwashed 。
“我听美国的另类右翼分子都这么说,那些仇视中国的人,极力支持特朗普的人 。有很多民主党人也在这样做,说中国洗脑这个,洗脑那个 。好吧,如果. 。。如果你是这样想的,也许你才是被洗脑的那个 。”
I hear that from all of the Alt-Right people that... the haters, the Trumpanomics people out of the United States. And there's a lot of Democrats that are doing exactly the same thing, brainwash this and brainwash that...Well, you know, if that's the way you think, maybe you're the one that's brainwashed 。
“中国的政府不是面临治理挑战,而是面临统治威胁 。”
China's government doesn't face governance challenges 。
“中国的公司不是创新,他们是窃取知识产权 。过去几年来,这一直是特朗普经济学新闻中炒作的一件大事 。”
China companies don't innovate. They steal IP. Yeah. And that's been a big thing in the news, the Trumpanomics news over the last number of years 。
“中国的名人并非出于爱国才在社交媒体上发爱国信息,他们是为了取悦执政党和民族主义的粉丝 。我总是听到这类说法 。谄媚者、马屁精、共产党的拥趸,诸如此类 。”
Chinese celebrities don't love their country and post patriotic messages on social media. They pander to the CCP and nationalistic fans. I get that all the time, guys. Pander, bootlicker, commie shell, all of these things. Yes 。分页标题#e#
“香港的暴徒没有袭击破坏立法会,香港警察放任让他们去做 。”
Hong Kong rioters don't storm and destroy Legco. The Hong Kong police stand back and let them do it 。
“香港的暴徒没有打烧杀无辜民众,没有纵火、制造炸弹、毁坏地铁站,没有放火烧楼阻断交通,他们是在报复警察的暴行 。”
Hong Kong rioters, don't beat and burn and kill civilians, commit arson, build bombs, destroy subway stations, set fires to buildings, block traffic. They retaliate against police brutality 。
非友好国家的公民展现出的不是爱国主义,而是民族主义 。
Citizens of unfriendly countries don't display patriotism. They display nationalism 。
柯克·阿佩兰认为,西方世界的媒体就是日复一日、年复一年地用这些字眼来操纵新闻的 。“他们操纵的不只是新闻,他们还在操纵你我这些西方新闻的观众 。”
You see, all of these words that they use to manipulate the news in the Western world. But they're not just manipulating the news, they're manipulating you and me as Western viewers of the news. And it's one of those things that they do it very well. They've been doing it for years and years and years 。

△视频来源:Gweilo 60
“西方新闻媒体会选择偏向某个政党,并没有与这些政党划清界限 。” 视频中,柯克·阿佩兰详细介绍了西方媒体与各个政党之前的关系。
“美国福克斯新闻都是支持特朗普的死忠粉,美国有线电视新闻网则是民主党的大本营 。”
You know, you got the Trumpanomic boys and stuff with the Fox News. You got the Democrats with CNN 。
在加拿大,加拿大广播公司亲自由党,保守党没有主要的新闻平台但是保守党牢牢掌控了社交媒体 。他们在社交媒体上真的很厉害 。自由党则在社交媒体上被猛烈攻击 。
In Canada, the CBC is a Liberal thing. The Conservatives, I don't think have any really big news thing, channel on their side. But the Conservatives have social media locked up solid. They're really good on social media where you look at the Liberals and they get bashed on social media 。
柯克·阿佩兰直言,我们不能再相信西方媒体了 。“在我小时候,西方媒体的话还是可信的,我知道这一点 。”
The media in the West, you can't trust them anymore. When I was a kid, you used to be able to trust what they would say. I know that 。
常年生活在中国,柯克·阿佩兰认为:“但在中国,不同的是,如果他们看到世界上发生了一些好事,就算是发生在美国、加拿大、英国或任何地方,他们都会报道 。中国媒体会说这是个好消息 。”
Sure, in China, there's news and they lean towards their political beliefs in China, too. But the difference in China is that if they see something good happening around the world, even in the United States or Canada or Great Britain or anywhere, they actually report. And they say this is good news 。
“而在西方世界,当中国做了好事时,比如这次新冠疫情,加拿大的新闻就说,台湾地区做得很棒,韩国在抗击蔓延全球的新冠疫情上做得很好,对中国只字未提 。”
While in the West, when China does something good, like you look at this last CV thing, the Canadian news came on there and said, Taiwan region and South Korea did a great job at fighting this CV thing that's going around the world right now. No mention of China 。
“他们确实提了中国,因为台湾是中国的 。但是大多数加拿大人不明白其中的区别 。所以只能说是他们无知 。”
Well, they did mention China because of the province of Taiwan. But most of these Canadian people, they don't understand the difference. So you have to just say they're ignorant 。
“为何西方媒体就是不愿承认、不能承认中国做了好事?” 这个问题让柯克·阿佩兰很困惑,他暗自猜想:“一定有不成文或成文规定,要求这些新闻机构不准有任何关于中国的好话 。”
But the idea is that they won't, they can't. There must be an unwritten rule or maybe it's a written rule in these news organizations that you're not supposed to say anything positive about China 。
柯克·阿佩兰的这则视频在海外社交媒体账号上被观看了3.2万次,引发了很多外国网友对该问题的深思 。

这里是加拿大魁北克 。我从来没见过任何关于中国的正面报道,媒体总是感觉在遮遮掩掩些什么 。我70岁了,一直都关心政治话题 。反共产主义根植在我们的文化里,伴随我们整个人生 。当我谈论起中国和其成就时,不论是哪方面的内容,比如8亿人口脱贫,或医疗保险方面的话题,从来没人相信我 。即使我援引联合国的数据,他们也不信 。所以我说,政治宣传和“垃圾话”在我们的文化中是根深蒂固的 。

西方仍然有人相信地球是平的 。和这样认知水平的人有什么好争论的 。

大多数西方媒体不愿意面对事实,即中国正在有条不紊地处理疫情,成效卓著;然而他们自己的政府倒是手忙脚乱,处理不当 。西方媒体已经习惯带着偏见看中国了,很难改变 。

这个主题很棒 。就在两天前,我在Flipboard上看到了一篇称赞中国援助的文章,我刚想要读,就被删掉了!这是我第一次看到Flipboard上的文章被删掉 。在那以后我知道了他们就是不允许夸中国的文章存在,我就把这个应用卸载了 。这也太不公平了,太可悲了 。我们再也不能相信任何西方媒体了 。分页标题#e#

仇华的人编造了很多负面新闻给中国 。我只有一个问题:如果中国真的所有地方都这么不堪一击又邪恶,美国为什么要这么怕中国?为什么美国想尽一切办法不让华为进美国?
在接受中国日报采访时,柯克·阿佩兰表示,视频能受到几万人的关注他也很意外 。
2014年柯克·阿佩兰与妻子搬到中国 。据他介绍,自己是从2017年开始做视频博主,“因为我想向朋友和家人展示我在中国的生活” 。
亲朋好友一直听说中国是一个有共产主义政府的国家,他们认为很危险 。我想告诉他们这不是真的,但我失败了 。
They had always heard that China was a place with a Communist government and they considered it dangerous. I tried telling them that this was just not true but I couldn't get them to understand 。
然后,我想我可以给他们展现我所爱的中国、真正的中国 。我能想到的唯一办法就是拍视频,让他们能见我所见、闻我所闻 。
I thought then that I would show them the real China that I have grown to love and the only way I knew how to do this was to make videos so they could actually see what I see 。
通过视频,他们终于明白了,中国和他们的国家基本上是一样的 。最大的区别就是文化、食物、人民、气候和风光了 。
This turned a lot of them to understand that China was basically the same as their country. The big difference was the culture, food, people, climate and the beauty of the country side 。
自新冠肺炎疫情以来,柯克·阿佩兰拍了一些关于新冠病毒的视频,他告诉中国日报采访人员,与疫情随之而来的是对中国的污名化,“我试图向大众解释,这些政客和西方采访人员没有告诉他们真相 。”
【外媒@“你隔离期间,加拿大博主揭秘外媒反华套路】The rhetoric was being spread in the political circles in a number of countries and by mainstream media. I tried to explain to the masses that the truth was not being told to them by these politicians and journalists





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