《小彭有很多问号》是中国日报新媒体的一档新节目 , 主题是小彭对花花世界的万千问号 。 这里不仅有美食 , 还有旅行、朋友以及小彭对生活的思考......让我们保持好奇和热情 , 与热爱生活的小彭一起发现新奇 , 探索世界吧 。
叮咚 , 我们的美食博主小彭又来啦!天气逐渐暖和起来 , 你有没有和小彭一样想念城市夜晚的露天烧烤?别急 , 本期节目 , 小彭就来教大家如何在家也能做中国北方风格的烤羊排 。 小彭还邀请了《人生一串》制作人之一的朋友来尝味 , 她会收获好评吗?快戳视频揭晓答案!
烤羊排Roast Lamb Ribs用料 Ingredients:
羊排 lamb ribs、花椒 peppercorn、姜 ginger、大葱 dacong orWelsh onion、洋葱 onion、苹果 apple、梨 pear 、蜂蜜 honey
做法步骤 Steps
Step 1: 处理羊排 Prepare the lamb
先将羊排切块放入碗中 , 加入姜和花椒 , 最后加入温水 , 浸泡一小时 。 这个步骤主要是为了去除羊肉本身的膻味 。
First, we'll soak the ribs in ginger-peppercorn water for 1 hour to get rid of what wecallshanwei,the strong odor of the lamb.
Step 2: 做腌料汁 Make the marinade
可以利用浸泡羊排的时间 , 来做腌料汁 。 如果喜欢原汁原味的羊排可以忽略此步骤哦~
While the ribs are soaking, we can make the sauce marinade. If you really prefer the original flavor of the lamb, you can skip this process.
腌料汁的主要材料有苹果和梨以及少量洋葱、姜和大葱 , 没有大葱也可以像小彭一样用小葱代替 。
The marinade is made using an apple and a pear, which also help rid the meat of the lamb smell, and other ingredients are onion, ginger and dacong, or Welsh onion. If you don't have dacong, the spring onion is ok as well.
如果喜欢甜口 , 可以和小彭一起调一个甜甜的味道 。
If you prefer the lamb sweet like Peng, you can add 3 tablespoons of honey, 3tablespoons of oyster sauce and salt to taste.
Step 3: 给羊排做个按摩吧!Massage the meat!
慢慢地、温柔地给羊排做个按摩 , 让料汁均匀包裹羊排 。
Now slowly and lovingly massage the pieces of meat so the sauce is evenly spread.
然后盖上碗 , 静置40-60分钟 。 如果时间充足的小伙伴 , 腌制过夜入味更佳哦 。
After you've done that, cover the bowl then let it sit for 40 minutes to 1 hour. Better still, if you have the time, you can let it stand overnight. 分页标题#e#
Step 4: 上烤架!Cook it!
可以选择用烤箱或者炭炉烤制羊排 。
如果用烤箱 , 将温度设定为220摄氏度 , 烤18分钟即可出炉!
If you cook using an electric oven, you can set it at 220°C and then cook the lamb for 18 minutes.
小彭选择用炭炉烤制 。
要知道 , 不同的炭会带来不同的风味 , 小彭用的是果木炭 。
You may know that different charcoals create different tastes. Peng chose to use fruit tree charcoal.
点燃炭后 , 等一分钟 , 然后把羊排放在烤架上 , 烧烤过程中可以在羊排两面均匀的撒上混合香料 。
中国北方一般会用孜然粉、茴香粉、盐和辣椒粉 。
Once you've got the charcoal burning, wait a minute, and then put the lamb on the gridiron. While the lamb is cooking, you can slowly apply spices to it.
Generally, in northern China, people use cumin powder and fennel powder and a bit of salt and chili powder.
Make sure the spice mix is applied to both sides of the lamb.
After 15-20 minutes, your North China-style lamb chops are ready for the eating.
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