说来奇怪 , 我和毫无关系的陌生人同桌吃过饭 , 拥挤的公交车上挨着坐 , 一起在喜欢的歌手的演唱会上热泪盈眶 。 我那么喜欢你 , 却和你什么也没做 。
to say, I had dinner with unrelated strangers at the same table, sitting next to each other on a crowded bus, and weeping at the concert of my favorite singer. I like you so much, but I do nothing with you.
我当然知道人都是会变的 , 也从未指望过你永远如初 , 但感觉到你对我不似从前的时候 , 还是忍不住偷偷难过了很久 。
Of course, I know that people will change, and I have never expected you to be the same as before, but when I feel that you are not like me, I still can't help but secretly feel sad for a long time.
感情里最难熬的放不下大概就是你我两人皆良人 , 我未曾做过伤天害理的事 , 你也未曾跨越鸿沟做对不起我的事 , 只是缘分这东西却成全不了你我 。
The most difficult thing to put down in your relationship is probably that you and I are both good people. I have never done anything harmful to the sky, and you have never crossed the chasm to do something that is sorry to me, but fate does not make you and me.
那个看起来毫不在乎你的人 , 在聊天窗口里写满了要对你说的话 , 可是却一直没按发送键 。 那个决绝果断拖你进黑名单的人 , 在别的地方悄悄地关注着你的喜怒哀乐 。 那些你以为与你毫无瓜葛的人 , 在那么多个容易脆弱的夜里 , 确实忍住了一万次想要联系你的冲动 。
The person who didn't seem to care about you, filled the chat window with what he wanted to say to you, but never pressed the send button. The person who decided to drag you to the blacklist decisively and quietly followed your emotions elsewhere. Those who you think have nothing to do with you, in so many fragile nights, have indeed resisted the urge to contact you 10,000 times.
我记得以前总会和你聊得很晚很晚 , 现在我们不再说话了 , 我还是会熬夜 。 但我想 , 不如从今天开始早点睡了 。
I remember that I used to talk to you very late and late, but now we don't talk anymore, I will stay up late. But I think it would be better to go to bed early today.
感情最折磨人的不是别离 , 而是感动的回忆让人很容易站在原地 , 以为还回得去 。
【掌上新闻■微丧·动漫·女生头像:我不怕输,我只怕连输的机会都没有】The most tormenting feeling is not parting, but moving memories make people easily stand in the same place, thinking that it can be returned.
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