FDA批准第一个植入的晶状体 改善白内障患者视力

FDA批准第一个植入的晶状体 改善白内障患者视力

近日,FDA批准了RxSight公司的光可调晶状体(light adjustable lens)和光传递器械(light delivery device,LDD),这是第一个可以在白内障手术后对人造晶状体度数进行小幅调整的医疗器械系统,使患者不使用眼镜也能有更好的视力。

白内障是常见的眼部疾病,天然晶状体变得混浊,影响患者的视力。在白内障手术之后,浑浊的天然晶状体被替换为人造晶状体(intraocular lens, IOL),许多患者会有一些微小的屈光不正,需要使用眼镜或隐形眼镜。人造晶状体的不当聚焦会引起屈光不正,导致视力模糊。

RxSight IOL由一种独特的材料制成,在手术后17到21天对光传递装置发出的紫外线进行反应。根据所需的调整量,患者在1到2周内接受3或4次光照治疗,每次约40-150秒。从白内障手术开始到光疗结束,患者必须佩戴特殊的防紫外线眼镜,以保护新晶状体免受紫外线照射。


使用光可调晶状体的患者之后接受了轻度LDD治疗,术后6个月的未矫正视敏度(UCVA)达到20/20或更高,是接受单焦点晶状体患者的两倍。手术六个月后,与使用传统的IOL相比,患者的平均远距离裸眼视力在视力表上可多看清楚一行。75%的患者散光也有所减少。91.8%使用光可调晶状体的患者也达到目标显然验光球镜度数(manifest refraction spherical equivalent)0.50D以内的结果,这与近期LASIK研究中所见的屈光准确性相似。研究安全参数基于与人工晶状体安全性和性能终点(ISO 11979-7)的比较,结果显示在六个月后的术后访问中,100%的研究眼睛具有20/40或更好的最佳矫正视力 。

“迄今为止,白内障手术后常见的屈光不正问题只能通过眼镜,隐形眼镜或屈光手术来矫正,”FDA医疗器械和辐射健康中心(Center for Devices and Radiological Health)眼科和耳鼻喉科部门主任Malvina Eydelman博士说:“这个系统为部分患者提供了一个新的选择,使医生在初次手术后,可进行多次可在办公室内操作的步骤,对植入的晶状体进行微调,提高在没有眼镜情况下的视敏度。”

“我们非常高兴全球首个手术后可调IOL成功达到这一里程碑。"RxSight首席商务官Eric Weinberg先生说:“这对一直等待屈光人工晶状体技术有真正突破的患者,外科医生和验光师来说,是一个令人兴奋的机会。我们非常感谢所有参与这项工作的人士,包括协助研究的杰出临床协调员,研究人员及其工作人员,以及准备和审查监管报告的RxSight和FDA工作人员。”



The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today approved the RxSight Inc. Light Adjustable Lens and Light Delivery Device, the first medical device system that can make small adjustments to the artificial lens’ power after cataract surgery so that the patient will have better vision when not using glasses.

Cataracts are a common eye condition where the natural lens becomes clouded, impairing a patient’s vision. Following cataract surgery, during which the natural lens of the eye that has become cloudy is removed and replaced with an artificial lens (intraocular lens, or IOL), many patients have some minor residual refractive error requiring use of glasses or contact lenses. Refractive error, which is caused when the artificial lens does not focus properly, causes blurred vision.

“Until now, refractive errors that are common following cataract surgery could only be corrected with glasses, contact lenses or refractive surgery,” said Malvina Eydelman, M.D., director of the Division of Ophthalmic, and Ear, Nose and Throat at the FDA’s Center for Devices and Radiological Health. “This system provides a new option for certain patients that allows the physician to make small adjustments to the implanted lens during several in-office procedures after the initial surgery to improve visual acuity without glasses.”

The RxSight IOL is made of a unique material that reacts to UV light, which is delivered by the Light Delivery Device, 17-21 days after surgery. Patients receive three or four light treatments over a period of 1-2 weeks, each lasting about 40-150 seconds, depending upon the amount of adjustment needed. The patient must wear special eyeglasses for UV protection from the time of the cataract surgery to the end of the light treatments to protect the new lens from UV light in the environment.





A01 医疗器械国家标准汇总

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FDA批准第一个植入的晶状体 改善白内障患者视力


FDA批准第一个植入的晶状体 改善白内障患者视力

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