Liangzhi (Conscience)
Humans are born with innate conscience and the ability to know and act upon it. The term liangzhi (良知)was first used by Mencius, who believed that what man knew by instinct was liangzhi (knowledge of goodness). The term includes ren (仁), i.e. love for one’s parents and yi (义), i.e. respect for one’s elder brothers. The concept is an important component of Mencius’ belief in the innate goodness and human nature. The Ming-dynasty philosopher Wang Shouren raised the idea of “attaining liangzhi.” He extended the Mencius’ liangzhi to mean the principles of heaven, maintaining that all things under heaven and their laws were covered by liangzhi. With liangzhi being extended to its fullest (through self-cultivation and moral practice), it is possible to know and put in practice all moral truths.
引例 Citations:
所不虑而知者,良知也。 (《孟子·尽心上》)
What is known without thinking is the innate knowledge of goodness. (Mencius)
天理即是良知。 (《传习录》卷下)
Principles of heaven and conscience are the same in essence. (Records of Great Learning)
Wenming (Civilization)
指社会文治教化彰明昌盛的状态。“文”指“人文”, 指礼乐教化以及与此相关的有差等又有调和的社会秩序;“明”即光明、昌明、通达之义。中华民族崇文而不尚武,自古便将文治教化的彰明昌盛作为自己的最高理想和追求,并以此作为评判异国他域政治是否清明的最重要标准。
The term refers to a thriving, prosperous, and perceptibly refined society in which people behave in a cultured fashion. Wen (文)refers to the arts and humanities, including social norms, music education, moral cultivation, and a social order that is hierarchical yet harmonious. Ming(明)means bright, prosperous, and highly civilized. The Chinese nation has always preferred wen to wu(武 force). This is the loftiest ideal pursued by the Chinese nation since ancient times. It was also the criterion by which to judge whether the governance of a nation was well conducted.
引例 Citation:
文明之世,销锋铸镝。(焦赣 《易林·节之颐》)
In a civilized society weapons are destroyed and war ceases. ( Jiao Gong: Annotations on The Book of Changes )
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