I think we"ve lost 30,000 elephants. Another victim of poaching. They show no mercy. They come. They kill. Some of our national parks. It"s a war zone. As you can see, we"ve just come across a dead elephant. It stinks. There are flies all over it. Where"s the ivory? (Gabonese: The poachers shot the elephant. They cut off the ivory tusks and took them.)
The skillsets we"ve taken from past operations and past training events that we"ve been doing across the globe are directly applicable to the counter-poaching fight. We can give organizational skills and planning skills to the managers of the parks. We can give baseline tactical skills like tracking to the eco-rangers who can then use it against the poachers. Policemen are meant to be poachers in the jungle. They are about to be rushed by park rangers in this exercise who will have to look for evidence. This is meant to be a tusk to show that they have been killing elephants, poaching illegally. And it is key that they do find evidence to make those arrests.
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