


今天分享的是项目管理英文,主题是:敏捷项目管理法之一-Scrum-Agile Method #1: Scrum,英文据www.brighthubpm.com,中文为本公号创建人浦亮元翻译,正文1516字,如觉得不错,欢迎分享给你的朋友们!如对译文有不同的理解,欢迎联系微信号puliuangyuan,期待你的建议,谢谢!



Scrum is the most popular agile method, and the one that is probably most often included in any hybrid agile project management method. It is not to be confused with agile itself; scrum is a single but import agile method. Scrum is particularly strong at prioritizing work and obtaining feedback.



Three Pillars



The three pillars of the Scrum methodology are:



1.Transparency – Visibility to all is what’s important, especially regarding the definition of done.



2.Inspection – Frequent checks need to take place – not just testing at the end of any timeframe.


3.Adaptation – Adapt based on what you’re learning instead of following a plan.


Five Fundamental Values


The following are the fundamental values of scrum, with no explanation required.


1.Focus  专注

2.Courage  勇气

3.Openness  开放

4.Commitment  承诺

5.Respect   尊重


The key component of scrum is that it employs a time boxed cadence - the sprint cycle – that sets the framework for all other activity.



Three Scrum Team Roles



The three primary scrum team roles are:



1.Development Team – The team builds the product increments each sprint, and is self-organizing – empowered to manage its own work. Team members are expected to be a cross-functional and interchangeable with each other as possible.



2.Product Owner – Representing the business, the Product Owner manages the product backlog, or list of work to be done, sets development priorities, and ensures transparency across team and stakeholders.






Six Scrum Activities/Events



1.Backlog refinement – This meeting entails updating the backlog.



2.Sprint planning meeting – This meeting is for reviewing the backlog, ensuring common understanding, and the development team setting sprint goals for developing backlog items.



3.Daily scrum – This is a short morning standup meeting of the team where members only state what they have most recently accomplished, what they will do today, and what blockers they might have for accomplishing their agenda.


4.Scrum of scrums – This is a meeting of representatives from each scrum team to coordinate dependencies across the teams. The same questions as in the daily scrum apply, plus mention of any cross-team blockers.



5.Sprint review – This is where the team showcase its accomplishments at the end of the sprint, ideally as a demo. The Product Owner reviews, and adjustments are made to the backlog and plans for the next action.



6.Sprint retrospective – This is a final review of the sprint by the development team to consider what worked well, what worked not so well, and what adjustments that can be made to improve in the next sprint.



Three Scrum Artifacts



1.Product Increment – This is the delivered working software, or demo of software to be included in the next increment.



2.Product Backlog – This is the prioritized list of the work that needs to be done to produce the product at the end of the project.


3.Sprint Backlog – This is the subset of the product backlog that will be developed in the current sprint.

Sprint 待办事项列表—这是在当前的Sprint开发中,产品待办事项列表的子集。


Scrum is the most popular of agile methods, and is sometimes consumed with agile itself. However, it is its own method, but it often is customized in some way to accommodate needs of specific project situations. It can easily be combined with some other methods, such as Extreme Programming (XP), Lean, and Kanban. It is also the foundation of other more specific agile methods, such as the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe).



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