谭老师说词 | 李逵撞李鬼,soothe遇seethe

谭老师说词 | 李逵撞李鬼,soothe遇seethe


远在异国他乡的中秋之夜,一个人望着天上的圆月,心中的思乡惆怅涌上心头,颇感孤独寂寞。便电话邀约几个朋友相约去歌厅唱歌。朋友点唱了?水调歌头?明月几时有?,听到曲子中"人有悲欢离合让,月有阴晴圆缺,此事古难全, ..."时,思乡之惆怅顿时减少,特别是"但愿人长久,千里共婵娟" 让人心灵上得到一丝安慰,减轻了精神上离别的伤痛。此时正是写这首?水调歌头?明月几时有?的苏轼( [su:e]) soothe"抚慰"我的心灵, "减轻精神上的伤痛"。

谭老师说词 | 李逵撞李鬼,soothe遇seethe

1.soothe [su:e]/[sue]

vt.安慰, 减轻 (身体或精神上的伤痛) 


记忆策略---谐音联想: [su:e]谐音苏轼。苏轼的"人有悲欢离合让,月有阴晴圆缺,...,但愿人长久,千里共婵娟"让人得到一丝抚慰,减轻了精神上离别的伤痛。

近同义词:console, solace, comfort

1.He would take her in his arms and soothe her.他会把她揽在怀中抚慰她。

2.It did not take long for the central bank to soothe investors" fears.中央银行很快便消除了投资者的担忧。

3.I tried my best to soothe his anger.我尽力劝慰他不要生气。

4. He smeared some skin cream to soothe the irritation. 他涂抹了些皮肤膏,以减缓过敏症状。

soothing [su:ei?] 

adj. 让人感到放松/舒适的

soothing music 让人感到安慰的音乐

a soothing massage 令人感到放松的按摩

与soothe 相似的词汇是seethe

谭老师说词 | 李逵撞李鬼,soothe遇seethe

2.seethe  [si:e]/ [sie] 

v.沸腾; 强压怒火; 充满 (异常拥挤)

<SAT / TEM8 / GRE>

词源探讨: 来自古英语seothan(煮沸,沸腾),后基本词义完全由 boil 取代,引申比喻词义愠怒,强压怒火等。

记忆策略----联想soothe(苏轼): 李逵遇见李鬼,soothe(苏轼)遇到seethe(C-4)时,"怒火中烧"心中"充满着..."。

1.She took it calmly at first but under the surface was seething. 她起初平静地接受了,但内心却气呼呼的。

2. He is seething at all the bad press he is getting.他正为所有那些关于自己的负面报道窝着一肚子火。

3.She grinned derisively while I seethed with rage. 我怒火中烧,她却嘲弄地咧着嘴笑。

4. The street was seething with people.街上人满为患。

seething ["siei?]


1.The meeting hall was seething at once.会场上顿时沸腾起来了。

2. He kept back his seething anger and pretended nothing happened to him.抑制着内心的气愤,装着什么都没发生。

3.They fell into the seething waters of the rapids.他们跌进了翻腾的急流中。