口语帮 | 出勤与迟到Arriving at Work Late

口语帮 | 出勤与迟到Arriving at Work Late

1. Crap! I’m going to be late for work. 天哪!我上班要迟到了。


Oh, no, I’m gonna be late! 哦,不要啊,我要迟到了!

crap [kr?p] int. 天哪

2. We need to hurry up. 我们要快点儿。


Can we hurry up? It’s getting late. 我们能不能快点?要迟到了。

Hurry up, or we’ll be late. 快一点儿,不然我们就迟到了。

3. I can’t be late for work. 我上班不能迟到。


I can’t be late for work again. 我不能再迟到了。

If I’m late again, I’ll get fired! 如果我再迟到我就会被开除了。


Well, let’s hurry up! 噢,咱们快点儿吧。

4. What happens if I’m late? 我要是迟到了会怎么样呢?

What will happen if I’m late for work? 如果我上班迟到了会怎么样呢?


You’ll probably get fired. 你可能会被开除。

5. I may be late for work tomorrow. 明天上班我可能会晚到一会儿。


I have an appointment tomorrow. I might be late for work. 明天我有个约会,上班可能会晚到一会儿。


That’s fine. Thanks for letting me know. 好的,谢谢你告诉我。

6. My bus was late so I am late for work. 公共汽车来迟了,所以我迟到了。


I was late because I didn’t catch the bus. 我迟到是因为我没有赶上公交车。

7. My car broke down. 我的车抛锚了。


My car ran out of gas on the way to work. I had to push it to a gas station. 我的车走到半路没油了,我只好把车推到加油站。

★break down 发生故障

★run out of sth. 用光,耗尽

8. I was only late by five minutes. 我只迟到了5 分钟。

还好只迟到了5 分钟:

I was only five minutes late. 我只迟到了5 分钟。



Arriving at Work Late Conversation

Kevin: Oh, no! I’m gonna be late!

Debra: Well, hurry up and get ready!

Kevin: I can’t! I need to stop at the post office.

Debra: Well, what will happen if you’re late?

Kevin: I could get fired!

Debra: Just forget about the post office, then.

Kevin: I can’t! I need to mail out this package. I’m screwed!

Debra: Well, talking about it isn’t going to help. Let’s go.

Kevin: You’re right.

口语帮 | 出勤与迟到Arriving at Work Late

凯 文: 哦,不!我要迟到了!

黛布拉: 噢,快点儿准备好!

凯 文: 不行啊!我要在邮局停一下。

黛布拉: 哦,你要是迟到了会怎么样?

凯 文: 可能会被开除。

黛布拉: 那就别想什么邮局了。

凯 文: 不行啊,我要寄这个包裹。我都晕头转向了。

黛布拉: 噢,说这些没用。咱们走吧。

凯 文: 你说的对。

★screwed [skrud] adj. 搞糟的,搞砸的