Embiid is a fantastic talent, but let"s slow down a bit.
Now before you eat me alive, hear me out. I"m not saying we should stop talking about him completely because he really is an amazing young talent and has the potential to be one of the best. However, I"ve been hearing things like "Embiid is a top 5 player if healthy" or "Embiid will be the NBA"s best player after LeBron if healthy" on many threads. And they get upvoted like crazy. Don"t get me wrong, I see the potential just like everybody else, but that"s just a crazy claim for such a small sample size.
I say this because to be a top 5 player or the best player in the league, you have to sustain it. And I don"t mean just health. What"s incredible with guys like LeBron is not that they are incredibly talented, but that nearly every night they are the best player on the court. EVERY. SINGLE. GAME. Now, I"m not saying Embiid can"t be that guy, but there"s a reason there is a big difference between the top 20 guys and the top 5 guys.
For example, Paul George is a good case to look at. If you remember the 2013-2014 season, Paul George was pretty much the undisputed MVP. He looked incredible and, quite frankly, unstoppable at the time. And this was for a pretty long stretch. People were talking about him being a top 5 player and one of the next great players in the league. And for good reason. However, he and the team took a major downturn the second half of the season and he returned to his up and down self. And he continues to be that player, he has streaks where he plays at such a high level he could be argued to be one of the very best players in the league. Then he follows that up with pretty mediocre play and leaves you scratching your head.
I bring this up because we have only seen Embiid play a handful of games. He has looked incredible and I truly think he can be one of the true stars in this league, but I first need to see him put together a full season where he plays at an extremely high-level night in and night out. And that"s including health and play. Because as I said, pretty much anybody in the top 20 of the NBA can put together an impressive string of 20-30 games, but the true greats can carry it on for an entire season and into the playoffs.
I"m a huge fan of Embiid and hope he can stay healthy and become one of the greats, but let"s sit back watch what actually happens first.
[–]NuggetsBallMop 918 points 17 hours ago
r/nba is just insanely biased in terms of recency
[–][SAS] Marco BelinelliChiliConChaos 599 points 17 hours ago
Dunno what you’re talking about KUZMA MVP 2017-FOREVER
听不懂你在说什么!库兹马MVP MVP MVP MVP到永远!!
[–]Lakers BandwagonDongsquad420BlazeIt 160 points 16 hours ago
Looks right to me.
[–]NuggetsKyanon34 72 points 12 hours ago
Duncan wasn"t even that good in retrospect! I mean what did he do that Bobby Portis can"t?
[–][MIA] Harold Minerparadoxofchoice 103 points 16 hours ago
Tbf, the majority of r/NBA have been watching for less than a decade so recency is all they have.
[–][BOS] Marcus Smartriders994 84 points 15 hours ago
More like 2 seasons
[–]SunsBigCountryBumgarner 46 points 15 hours ago
It"s hard to treat things with historical context when they"ve only ever seen LeBron and the Warriors in the finals
[–]Clippersss2gohanisgoat 25 points 13 hours ago
I just realized how sad that kind of is.
[–]LakersComeoncuh 17 points 12 hours ago
It makes me depressed when i hear some people never saw the 2010 finals on here
[–]Celtics BandwagonWayne_Spooney 40 points 11 hours ago
It makes me depressed that I saw the 2010 finals.
[–][CHI] Lawrence FunderburkeSim888 386 points 17 hours ago
slow down a bit.
Fuck that...Full speed ahead!
[–]76ersjawntothefuture 38 points 14 hours ago
thank you. you are correct
[–][PHI] Joel EmbiidVenomyze 207 points 17 hours ago
It"ll slow down. Some people got carried away after his showing last night after not seeing him play for so long
[–][MIN] Tyus Jonespollinium 97 points 17 hours ago
Luckily it"ll pick right back up tomorrow after playing the Heat
[–]HeatDolfanz019 91 points 14 hours ago
Last time Whiteside & Embiid went up against each other:
Whiteside - 32/13/2 blocks on 68% shooting (32 minutes)
Embiid - 22/5/3 blocks on 54% shooting (23 minutes)
Should be exciting to watch
怀特塞德 – 32分13板2盖帽,投篮命中率68%(上场32分钟)
恩比德 – 22分5板3盖帽,投篮命中率54%(上场23分钟)
[–]76ersMattV413 155 points 16 hours ago
reads title
reads rest of post
Ughh fine.
But on a serious note, when he"s on the floor sixers are 15x better compared to when he"s off. Look at his on/off stats, he makes the defense actually good, the offense is better, everything is better every time he"s on the court. He made the fucking sixers look like a playoff team before his injury last year.
[–]SpursATXBeermaker 45 points 16 hours ago
But on a serious note, when he"s on the floor sixers are 15x better compared to when he"s off.
Yeah, but his supporting cast was such ass that this would probably be true for many of the top players in the league. Not to mention that Embiid played against very few top defenses/defenders last year and when he did his stats were generally not nearly as other-worldly.
[–]76ersTheProcess12 25 points 15 hours ago
Yes that"s true, but you can even look at last night as an example. We were down by 10 before Embiid came back out and then went on a 27-1 run. Is it because its the Nets? Probably, but I think as we move deep into the season the on/off stats will still favor when he is on the floor
[–]SpursATXBeermaker 12 points 15 hours ago
but I think as we move deep into the season the on/off stats will still favor when he is on the floor
Well, yeah. But like I said, I think that would be true of lots of players in the league.
To be clear, I think Embiid is amazing. I just think that people need to pump the brakes a bit before declaring him the second coming. I get that Sixers fans will find it difficult not to get insanely excited about the guy, but give it time. We"ll see how it all plays out eventually.
[–]PistonsCrispyBalooga 68 points 16 hours ago
It"s just remarkable how good he is for the amount of game experience he has. You just don"t see that. That"s an indicator for me of somebody who is in the all-time upper echelon of basketball talent.
[–]76erslardbiscuits 32 points 14 hours ago
I hate the pump the brakes bullshit.
I"ll be the first one to admit I"m a little concerned with Ben and Fultz.
But Embiid? This dude has played like 50 organized games of basketball in his life. He is absolutely transcendent if he"s healthy. This year, if he plays over 60 games, he"s not only ALREADY the best big in the league, but if he continues to be as dominant defensively as he has, then he"s a top five overall player in the league.
I have no qualms saying that. He"s that fucking good. There"s no one who can defend him in the league.
[–]Warriorshoffmanmclaunsky 32 points 14 hours ago*
The comparison with PG is also a bit silly imo. PG wasn"t a top 3 pick, PG has a completely different skillset and way of taking over a game, PG isn"t the physical specimen that Embiid is (although PG is certainly big and athletic). PG also has a way different personality and relationship with his teammates.
And Embiid has the kind of talent you know isn"t going to be up and down like Paul George. Embiid is a freaking 7"2, 280 lb monster with smooth as hell post and face up moves. Plus he can shoot and knock down FTs.
I don"t know if I"d agree he"s already a top 5 talent when healthy though.
[–]76ersLorax1515 47 points 17 hours ago
For what it"s worth, it"s a small minority that think that. Most people will happily point out that he"s only played 31 games and is an injury risk. Most positive Embiid statements are qualified by health, and if not, someone will always point that out.
[–]RocketschefnoguardD 38 points 17 hours ago
It is not a small minority. Seriously? The Embiid hype on this subreddit is hugely popular
[–]76ersLorax1515 23 points 16 hours ago
Specifically referring to a small minority prematurely saying he"ll be in the top 5 or best in the east after Lebron. Not the general Embiid hype.
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