雅 思 大 作 文 写 作 资 料
想要雅思写作得高分,除了要fully address the topic之外,除了要展现一定的词汇多样性和语法准确性之外,还有一个非常重要的得分点就是文章的逻辑。你这篇文章的逻辑是否通顺?是否清晰?是否易于理解?文章的结构是否符合雅思写作的要求?这一系列的要求组成了雅思写作第二大评分标准:Coherence and cohesion.不要小看这个关于文章逻辑顺序的评分项,人家好歹也占了25%呢!而且说实话,这一个评分项,可算是雅思写作中较为容易拿分的哦!
?I totally agree with the statement that…
?Thus, I totally believe that…
?I firmly believe that…
?For my part, I am in favor of their argument…
?I prefer to…
?I cannot picture/imagine a world/life without…
?It is my firmly held opinion that…
?While many individuals complain that, I firmly believe that…
?It is widely believed/accepted that..
?There is no doubt that…
?It is undeniable that…
?It is an undeniable fact that…
?A is of great importance for B.
?Therefore, I hold that A weigh heavier than B.
?The advantages of A outweigh its disadvantages.
?However, in comparison, A is more effective in doing sth.
?Another reason I’d like to bring up is that…
?I disapprove that…
?I disagree with this point of view for three reasons…
?I do not personally believe that…
?To those who argue that…, I would like to point out that…
?However, I am not a believer of the argument that…
?The worst aspect of this phenomenon, in my opinion, is that…
?While compared with A, B may not be significantly important.
?In fact,…can cause a lot of problems, such as…
?On the minus side,
?It is pointless to do sth.
赖小琪(微信号:627552886),国家翻译协会资深会员,深圳市布罗登留学英语培训创始人,资深教授雅思,托福,GMAT, SAT等出国英语考试以及剑桥商务英语(BEC).本科毕业于深圳大学金融和会计双学位,研究生就读于爱尔兰都柏林大学国际商务专业.于2008,2009以及2010年相继高分通过BEC中级和高级,雅思以及国家高级翻译考试.其中BEC(剑桥商务英语)高级考试获得当届深圳市考区第一名.曾在各大英语网站发表多篇英语文章和翻译,获得广大英语爱好者的好评与喜爱.2007年正式与深圳各大培训机构合作教授各类英语课程,教出无数高分学生.2013年接受《南方教育时报》的独家采访.
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