活动 |“随心”— 王仪辰个人作品展
"it is hilarious and awesome"some people proclaimed. as for me standing besides them also have the same perspective as they did.however,the things we glorify are the paintings of bella.
If you take a close look at the painting, there’s reflection of the mountain in the water, and you see a sea of grass and flowers, a stunning view. There is a saying that a scene is as beautiful as a painting, it is no doubt when a scene like that can be captured and froze in a frame, that kind of beauty is the essence of a painting.
Wang’s paintings are very pure, every little detail in the scene can be art material for her to use. If we look at her oil paintings, the paints stack together , the strokes can thin or thick, and she often uses bright colors, this thoughtful combination of skills and colors always capable of adding a touch of aesthetics to her paintings.
Light purple flowers are placed in the orange vase, and some flowers are scattered around the vase, the scene is random but beautiful; a bicycle stands in the backyard, there is a green bush in front of it, some flowers can be seen in the bushes, the painting is carefully painting and looks so real...
Her water color is as good as her oil paintings, the colors are very cohesive, everything matches so well together, the details from the brush strokes and the interchange between colors takes the whole painting to another level.
You can tell easily that every painting of Wang is the result of a great amount of work, there is a lot to consider when you are creating an artwork, by paying attention to details, a great artwork was produced. Of course this technique of paying attention to details was practiced through her everyday life, if one spends a lot of time getting in touch with nature, it was then a natural thing for the person to record the beauties he or she witnessed.
Theses paintings are what Wang witnessed in nature, it is definitely worthwhile for us to take some to appreciate all of her works.
撰写:初三睿励B班 蔡莹颖
翻译:初三睿励A班 陈烁亦
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