Love is the best nourishment of life; even if it is just one ladleful of clear water, it can make the tree of live thrive. Maybe that tree is inconspicuous; perhaps that the tree is so thin, and even some withered, but as long as there is nourishment of love, it can grow flourish and even grow into towering trees.
今 日 词 汇⊙Nourishment [?n?:r??m?nt] n. 食物;营养品
⊙Ladleful ["le?dlf?l] n. 一满杓
⊙Inconspicuous [??nk?n?sp?kju?s] adj. 不显眼的;不引人注意的
⊙Wither [?w?e?] vt. 使凋谢;使畏缩
⊙Towering [?ta??r??] adj. 高耸的;卓越的
- END -
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