魔鸟之交,亦敌亦友,高山流水,一时瑜亮:现代的詹库对决有此味( 三 )


[–]Lakersdeadscene 533 指標 5 小時前

They got the best basketball documentary ever imo, "Courtship of Rivals"


视频链接:优酷视频:Magic & Bird : A Courtship of Rivals>>

[–]Warriors Bandwagonijudgekids 309 指標 5 小時前

Yeah. When Bird"s mother invited Magic to home cooked dinner was the sweetest moment


[–]Spurspm_me_spider_picz 251 指標 3 小時前 

Also when they talked about Bird trying to call Magic after the news broke of Magic’s HIV, Bird just wanted to know if he was ok:(