伦纳德团队重申只愿去洛城?他老舅是否已经害了这位曾经最讨喜的( 三 )

Easy to blame the uncle but when are people going to realize that Leonard is a grown man


[–]00000000000001000000 196 指標 10小時前

Even grown men can be manipulated and taken advantage of


[–]Gentlescholar_AMA 205 指標 10小時前

I don"t think he"s being manipulated. His uncle is basically his father, in fact maybe even a bigger man than a father because the uncle raised Kawhi when he had no obligation to.


I think they just don"t know what they"re doing. Kawhi would benefit from career, professional agents with career, professional PR team. He doesn"t have that, and it"s really fucking obvious