詹姆斯首份耐克合同有加盟大球市的激励条款,球鞋合同会影响落脚( 五 )
[–]CelticsWashingtonDongument 499 指標 2 天前
Dolan is legit the worst thing to happen to basketball in the last 30 years. More than the boogeyman of superteams, more than *河蟹*e, more than David Stern"s meddling and more than the NCAA.
The Knicks should be the most exciting team in the league. They should be a perennial powerhouse in the East that anchors the conference against the storied Celtics, the hot hot Heat, etc.
But because of James Dolan, they"re fucking garbage, and have been garbage, and will be garbage. And because of James Dolan, players keep going to the fucking Lakers instead of going to New York City.
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