韦斯特表示湖人签下詹姆斯并不算很难的操作:他本来就想来到洛杉( 十 )

[–]WheresMySaucePlease 130 指標 6小時前

many people are mad the lakers got lebron, yes


[–]stefan__urquelle 142 指標 6小時前

This is everyone"s chance to shit on the Lakers, but if they weren"t as ideal as everyone likes to say, he would"ve waited a year and returned to a revamped CLE team. He could"ve went to Houston while his family lived in LA. He would"ve entertained giving the Clippers a meeting (who have 2 max spaces next season). Maybe even take a 1+1 with the Lakers to make sure they"re on their toes.
