兰斯回应步行者高管的玩笑:我全身心投入到比赛,我是团队型球员( 八 )

Idk why Pritchard thought it was a good idea to add that lol .. that"s something you say in private. Not in an official press release regarding a player who was a fan favorite


[–]Whodat3599 620 指標 5小時前

Glad lance stood up for himself those words were definitley un-called for.


[–]Lakersharleq01 105 指標 4小時前

But did you see the other thread? this sub completely flipped 180


[–]Lakers BandwagonPENIS__FINGERS 191 指標 5小時前

yeah that was a dick thing to say I can"t believe people were defending it in the other thread. Lance has been the heart and soul of that team for 5+ years just a bad thing to say