兰斯回应步行者高管的玩笑:我全身心投入到比赛,我是团队型球员( 十 )
[–]NuggetsRedSoxEatPoop 1735 指標 5小時前
It really was a low blow...funny to us but I"m sure that hurts Lance a little bit after all he"s been through with that organization.
[–]ReplyGod 444 指標 5小時前
He was still humble about it, gotta love the guy
[–]Suns TankwagonHalfawake1 217 指標 4小時前*
Except when he gropes women and allegedly pushes them down stairs
Wow lost a lot of respect for ya"ll... am I getting brigaded or something?
edit 2: I was at worse than -30 at one point, thanks everyone for restoring my faith.
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