你记忆中有关NBA的美好经历是什么?美国球迷热议心中的点滴回忆( 四 )


[–]Cavaliers BandwagonPM_ME_UR_BEST_STORY_ 58 指標 12小時前

People will always be there for you. It doesn"t matter if those people are parents, friends, or a bunch of strangers on a meme forum that pretends to be basketball related. Find people that care, and remind yourself that you"re valuable


[–]Celticshipcheck23 105 指標 12小時前

Hey, sorry to hear about all the hard knocks. Warriors fan? Ok, here"s a story for you.


I"m at school with one of my friends and we"re walking down Bruin Walk, feeling pretty good about life - weather is good, and our hoops team is in the tourney. We spot our friend Bob (just an acquaintance to me, really) hanging out. I"m 6", my friend is 6"3, but Bob is really tall - he"s on the team, too. My other friend was the last one cut from the squad, Bob beat him out.