以下为MIT TR的英文报道,中文由腾讯科技编辑翻译,原文略有改动,全文共8172字,阅读需10分钟:
Why 500 Million People in China Are Talking to This AI
“ iFlytek’s voice recognition technology is everywhere in China, and that’s what’s making it smarter every day.科大讯飞的语音识别技术在中国随处可见,这也是为什么这项技术每天都在变得更聪明的原因。
当46岁的北京市民徐刚(Gang Xu,音)需要与加拿大的租客就租金或电费账单沟通时,他会打开智能手机上名为“讯飞输入法”的应用,点击看起来像是麦克风的图标,随后开始说话。这款软件将他的中文语音消息转换为英文文本消息,并发送给加拿大的租客。软件还可以将租客用英文编写的文本消息转换为中文文本消息,从而创造出双语对话的无缝循环。
“ In China, over 500 million peopleuse iFlytek Input to overcome obstacles in communication such as the one Xufaces. Some also use it to send text messages through voice commands whiledriving, or to communicate with a speaker of another Chinese dialect. The appwas developed by iFlytek, a Chinese AI company that applies deep learning in arange of fields such as speech recognition, natural-language processing,machine translation, and data mining (see “50 SmartestCompanies 2017”) .在中国,有超过5亿人使用讯飞输入法来解决类似徐刚的沟通障碍。某些人在开车时使用语音功能去发送短信,而另一些人则使用该工具与操其他方言的中国人交流。这款应用由中国的人工智能公司科大讯飞开发。该公司将深度学习技术应用于语音识别、自然语言处理、机器翻译和数据挖掘等领域。点此进一步了解输入法详情
“ Court systemsuse its voice-recognition technology to transcribe lengthy proceedings;business call centers use its voice synthesis technology to generate automatedreplies; and Didi, a popular Chinese ride-hailing app, also uses iFlytek’stechnology to broadcast orders to drivers.
“ But whilesome impressive progress in voice recognition and instant translation hasenabled Xu to talk with his Canadian tenant, language understanding andtranslation for machines remains an incredibly challenging task (see “AI’sLanguage Problem”).
“ Xu recalls amisunderstanding when he tried to ask his tenant when he would get off work tocome sign the lease renewal. But the text message sent by the app was “Whattime do you go to work today?” In retrospect, he figures that it was probablybecause of the wording of his question: you’ll work until what time today?“Sometimes, depending on the context, I can’t get my meaning across,” says Xu,who still depends on it for communication.
“ Xu’s storyhighlights why it’s so important for a company like iFlytek to gather as muchdata from real-world interactions as possible. The app, which is free, has beencollecting that data since it launched in 2010.
“ Min Chu, thevice president of AISpeech, another Chinese company working on voice-based human-computerinteraction technologies, says voice assistants for drivers are in some waysmore promising than smart speakers and virtual assistants embedded insmartphones. When the driver’s eyes and hands are occupied, it makes more senseto rely on voice commands. In addition, once drivers become used to gettingthings done using their voice, the assistant can also become a contentprovider, recommending entertainment options instead of passively handlingrequests. This way, a new business model will evolve.中国另一家专注于人机语音交互技术的公司思必驰(AISpeech)副总裁初敏表示,从某些方面来看,面向司机的语音助手要比智能手机内置的虚拟助手,以及智能音箱更有前景。当司机的双眼和双手被占据时,语音命令会更有意义。此外,一旦司机习惯于用语音来完成操作,那么这样的助手就可以成为内容分发渠道,向司机推荐娱乐选择,而不仅仅是被动地处理请求。这将带来全新的商业模式。
“ At the AnhuiProvincial Hospital, which is testing a number of trials using AI, voice-basedtechnologies are transforming many aspects of its service. Ten voice assistantsin the shape of a robot girl use iFlytek’s technology to greet visitors in thelobby of the outpatient department and offer relief for overworkedreceptionists. Patients can tell the voice assistant what their symptoms are,and then find out which department can help.
“ Althoughvoice-based AI techniques are becoming more useful in different scenarios, onefundamental challenge remains: machines do not understand the answers theygenerate, says Xiaojun Wan, a professor at Peking University who does researchin natural-language processing. The AI responds to voice queries by searchingfor a relevant answer in the vast amount of data it was fed, but it has no realunderstanding of what it says.
“ Changing theway machines process language will help companies create voice-based AI devicesthat will become an integral part of our daily life. “Whoever makes abreakthrough in natural-language processing will enjoy an edge in the market,”says Chu.
《麻省理工科技评论》(Business Impact) | 英文来源
Yiting Sun | 英文作者
腾讯科技 | 中文来源
陈桦 | 翻译作者
CC/ charline | 本文编辑
阿序 | 本文责编
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