Apply Fissure Sealant Can Prevent Tooth Decay 窝沟封闭有助预

If there are deep fissures on a tooth, dental plaque can easily accumulate in these fissures where the toothbrush bristles cannot access to and clean these areas thoroughly. Therefore, these teeth are prone to tooth decay.

Apply Fissure Sealant Can Prevent Tooth Decay 窝沟封闭有助预


Apply Fissure Sealant Can Prevent Tooth Decay 窝沟封闭有助预

Seal up fissures and prevent tooth decay


Apply Fissure Sealant Can Prevent Tooth Decay 窝沟封闭有助预

Fissure sealant is a tooth-coloured or transparent material, which is well adhered to the enamel of the tooth. Fissure sealant seals off the fissures of a tooth to prevent tooth decay by blocking the plaque bacteria in the fissures from getting access to the dietary sugars.


Applying fissure sealant is good for both adults and children to prevent tooth decay.


Apply Fissure Sealant Can Prevent Tooth Decay 窝沟封闭有助预
Apply Fissure Sealant Can Prevent Tooth Decay 窝沟封闭有助预

In order to clean the teeth effectively, you have to thoroughly remove the dental plaque that adheres on the tooth surfaces.


Apply Fissure Sealant Can Prevent Tooth Decay 窝沟封闭有助预

For most people, a dental check-up per year is adequate. However, for those with high risk or special needs, a dental check-up every six months or at shorter interval may be necessary. People with high risk or special needs include:


Apply Fissure Sealant Can Prevent Tooth Decay 窝沟封闭有助预


Patients who have received radiotherapy in the head and neck region


In the process of radiotherapy, normal oral tissues are affected. The treatment may give rise to a decrease in saliva secretion and inflammation of the oral mucosa, which may lead to tooth decay and gum disease.


Apply Fissure Sealant Can Prevent Tooth Decay 窝沟封闭有助预




The chance of developing gum disease for smokers can be five times higher than that of non-smokers.


Apply Fissure Sealant Can Prevent Tooth Decay 窝沟封闭有助预


Patients with severe oral diseases 


Patients with severe tooth decay, gum disease, oral tumour or cleft palate need to have more frequent oral examinations to maintain their oral health.


Apply Fissure Sealant Can Prevent Tooth Decay 窝沟封闭有助预


Patients with systemic diseases 


The immunity systems of patients with Diabetes Mellitus, Haemophilia or AIDS are compromised, leading to a lowered body resistance to bacterial infections. If their oral hygiene is poor, the dental plaque accumulated on the tooth surfaces will easily give rise to gum disease and the disease will then progress rapidly.


Apply Fissure Sealant Can Prevent Tooth Decay 窝沟封闭有助预





Apply Fissure Sealant Can Prevent Tooth Decay 窝沟封闭有助预


Apply Fissure Sealant Can Prevent Tooth Decay 窝沟封闭有助预
Apply Fissure Sealant Can Prevent Tooth Decay 窝沟封闭有助预


Apply Fissure Sealant Can Prevent Tooth Decay 窝沟封闭有助预
Apply Fissure Sealant Can Prevent Tooth Decay 窝沟封闭有助预


Apply Fissure Sealant Can Prevent Tooth Decay 窝沟封闭有助预
Apply Fissure Sealant Can Prevent Tooth Decay 窝沟封闭有助预