




I want to go abroad to settle down and ask people's opinions. There are three choices at present. China, the United States, and stay in India. Which country is more suitable for residence?





1. There is no doubt that the United States, the rich of other countries in the world, like to live in the United States if they have money, the same is true of the rich in China and India.


2. ust for the sake of living, the United States is good, low income and suitable for the elderly. Many of our India rich people have houses in the United States. China still doesn't have to go. Many rich Chinese have gone to the United States to buy a house to live in.


3. India, of course. India is our country. No matter who compares with it, it must be the best in India.


4. Your question is very boring. Surely India is a better place to live. Do you want to go to China to eat chopsticks and eat knife and fork to eat in the United States?


5. And I heard that when you go to toilet in China and the United States, do you wipe it with paper? I dare not shake hands with foreigners. Like Indians, there are not many people who wash their hands every time we go to the toilet.




6.China is suitable for living. Chinese girls are more enthusiastic than American girls. If you make yourself like Africans and then go to the bar in China, you will have a cup of the cheapest wine. There will be a continuous Chinese girl coming to you. For this I like China.


6. In order to live in the United States, the United States, although the poor area is relatively chaotic, but the rich area is very safe, if it is to find a romance, you can go to China, disguised as African black or other countries can get a lot of Chinese girls, Chinese girls are very enthusiastic.




