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我们在本报告中启动了中国金融状况指数(FCI)。 该指数很好地反映了中国整体金融状况的总体统计数据,其拐点与过去十年的政策变化相匹配(图1)。 FCI表明,2016年末开始的金融紧缩周期已经停止。

The FCI rebounded in April, likely due to a marginal relaxation of monetary policy over concerns of a trade war. We are grateful for the assistance of Xinyu Ji, an employee of Evalueserve, a thirdparty provider of research support services to Deutsche Bank. The index is based on 14 financial indicators that coverpolicy rates,market interest and exchange rates, quantities of money and credit, and equity market volatility. These indicators were chosen from a wider range of variables based on a principal component analysis (PCA). They are intended to reflect the impact of both monetary policy and financial regulations.

FCI在4月份反弹,可能是由于担心贸易战导致货币政策放松。 我们非常感谢德意志银行第三方研究支持服务提供商Evalueserve的员工Xinyu Ji的帮助。 该指数基于14个财务指标,涵盖政策利率,市场利率和汇率,货币和信贷数量以及股票市场波动。 这些指标是基于主成分分析(PCA)从更广泛的变量中选择的。 它们旨在反映货币政策和财务条例的影响。

We did not choose the financial indicators to forecast any macro data. Nonetheless, the index works well as a leading indicator of nominalGDPgrowth (by 2-3 quarters, Figure 2 ). We would take the FCI as one useful input for forecasting the economic cycle in China, but investors should also look at other driving forces of the economy such as fiscal policy and trade. We will update the index regularly and publish it in our monthly China Macro in Charts.

我们没有选择金融指标来预测任何宏观数据。 尽管如此,该指数很好地成为名义GDP增长的领先指标(2-3个季度,图2)。 我们将FCI作为预测中国经济周期的一个有用的投入,但投资者还应该考虑财政政策和贸易等其他经济动力。 我们会定期更新指数,并将其发布在我们的月度中国宏观图表中。





Why do we need a China FCI?


China has a large financial sector that is crucial for its economy. Debt exceeded 250% of GDP in 2017, according to the BIS, most of which is borrowed through financial markets. Financial conditions can affect operational and investment decisions made by leveraged corporates, households, and local governments.

中国有一个对其经济至关重要的大型金融部门。 据国际清算银行称,债务在2017年超过了GDP的250%,其中大部分是通过金融市场借入的。 金融状况会影响杠杆企业,家庭和地方政府的经营和投资决策。

But assessing financial conditions in China today is not an easy task. Traditional quantity-based measures, such as M2 and bank credit, are losing their effectiveness owing to financial innovations. M2 growth has been on a structural downward trend ( Figure 3 ). Indeed, the PBoC recently noted that "M2's measurability, controllability and relevance to real economy are all declining" 1.

但是,评估当今中国的金融状况并非易事。 由于金融创新,传统的基于数量的措施(如M2和银行信贷)正失去效力。 M2增长一直处于结构性下降趋势(图3)。 事实上,中国央行最近指出,“M2的可衡量性,可控性和对实体经济的相关性都在下降”1。

China's monetary policy stance nowadays is not so obvious either. The PBoC's policy communications are not easy to interpret 2. Among the PBoC's wide range of policy tools, the benchmark lending rate and reserve requirement ratio (RRR) are widely recognized policy instruments but are almost unchanged in the last two years ( Figure 4 ). Conversely, the problem with OMOs is that they are too frequent and seasonally driven to ascertain monetary policy signals. Given the vast number of interest rates and prices available on the market, it is also difficult to pick out one rate that is representative of financial market conditions.




Aquantitative measure for financial conditions can greatly help navigate through all the signals and noises emitted by the PBoC and financial markets. FCIs are summary statistics that extract information from a broad set of financial variables: policy and market interest rates, exchange rates, credit and money supply, asset prices, etc. It is common practice nowadays in DMs to use FCIs to quantitatively measure financial conditions. Although the concept of FCIs is widely agreed upon, the actual compilation of FCIs is by no means standardized. 3 Our DB colleagues in the US and Europe regularly update and analyze their own FCIs 4.

对金融状况进行量化衡量可以大大帮助中国人民银行和金融市场发出的所有信号和噪音解决问题。 FCI是摘要统计数据从一系列广泛的金融变量中提取信息:政策和市场利率,汇率,信贷和货币供应量,资产价格等等。现在DM中常见的做法是定量使用FCI衡量财务状况。 尽管FCI的概念得到广泛认同,FCI的实际汇编决不是标准化的。






Abrief review of recent history should help readers better understand the FCI:

■ 2008-09 loosening: When the global financial crisis broke out, the famous "4trn stimulus package" was announced in early Nov 2008. Credit conditions eased significantly to accommodate this package. Our FCI rose sharply from -0.4 in Oct 2018 to 0.5 in Dec, and further to 2.0 in June. It fell slightly afterwards but remained above 1 in 2009 and Q1 2010, suggesting that financial conditions remained loose.

■ 2010-11 tightening: The turning point was in May 2010, when inflation overshot to above 3%. The PBoC hiked the RRR in May, while tighter financial conditions also stemmed from higher interest rates and a drop in stock prices. The steepest tightening in China's recent history happened between late 2010 and 2011, when the PBoC hiked the RRR nine times and the benchmark rate five times in just eight months. Our FCI fell by more than 2.5 standard deviations, from 0.8 in Oct 2010 to -1.9 by end-2011.

■ 2012-14 liquidity shocks: By early 2012 inflation was under control, and financial conditions eased somewhat in 2012. But overall financial conditions remained tight in 2013-14, as our FCI fluctuated at around -1. Notably, the two cases of "liquidity squeezes" took place in mid- and end-2013, when market rates rose sharply over liquidity shortages. These were clearly shown by movements in the FCI.

■ 2015-16 loosening: After the stock market crash in April 2015, policies started to ease rapidly. Easing continued into 2016 amid concerns over a China hard landing and stability of the RMB. Our FCI flipped from -1.2 in early 2015 to 0.8 by mid-2016. As the PBoC eased policy rates, financial regulations also loosened, and the shadow banking sector boomed.

■2016-17 tightening: The most recent round of tightening began in late 2016. The FCI peaked in August and started to fall afterwards. This round of tightening was milder than in previous tightening cycles, judging by a much flatterFCIcurve. An important phenomenon of this period was that tightening did not come from higherpolicy rates;rather, it was largely driven by quantity variables, notably deleveraging in the shadow banking sector.



