[OC] 8 consecutive finals: Bill Russell vs Lebron James
NBA的球队数:拉塞尔时期:8.4 詹姆斯时期:30
进入总决赛需要的轮数:拉塞尔:1 詹姆斯:3
进入总决赛需要的胜场数:拉塞尔:3.9 詹姆斯:12
进入总决赛需要的比赛场数:拉塞尔:5.6 詹姆斯:15.4
队友名人堂数量:拉塞尔:6.1 詹姆斯:2.4
[–]Celticsk0ala_ 2101 指標 23小時前
well when you put it like that
[–][WAS] Bradley BealNaabahs 847 指標 23 小時前
Okay now that puts it into perspective.
[–][MIA] Dwyane WadeBronn_Bronn[S] 283 指標 23小時前
Exactly what I was aiming for.
[–]klawhileonard 1297 指標 23小時前
TIL NBA was easier in 1950
[–]2HandedMonster 783 指標 23小時前
LeBron playing with a team of milkmen in 2018 just to make it more fair though
[–][GSW] Andre IgoudalazzMojaveExpress 1221 指標 23小時前
In Russell"s defense he went 8-0 if you pick the right stretch of years.
[–]nicoccino 1065 指標 21小時前
I think Lebron is 3-0 when his team wins the Finals
[–]SpursDuzzy_Funlop 723 指標 23小時前
1 round to reach Finals? GTFO! I never knew that
[–]LakersWuffy_RS 496 指標 22小時前
And only 8 teams and what I"m guessing is the Clippers with the .4
[–]Clippershailbo 638 指標 20小時前
"Jeez it"s kinda nice not being in the playoffs I feel pretty safe walking into an /r/NBA thre--"
[–]Celticsnakul2 106 指標 19小時前
Love the hall of fame teammates argument, when half those HoFers on Russell"s team are only there because they won 8+ rings... See Satch Sanders, in the HOF despite averaging less than 10 PPG for his career.
[–]SyrDel 136 指標 23小時前
Hall of famers argument is bullshit, barely any of Bill"s teammates are HOF without him.
[–]centristtt 34 指標 21小時前
Probably, I think early stars in sports also have an easier time getting into the HoF. (goes for any sport)
[–][GSW] Klay ThompsonMrVanillaIceTCube 8 指標 15小時前
Hondo, Sam Jones, Cousy, Cowens fer sure off the top of my head. iirc Cowens won an MVP. Idk bout the rest.
[–][MIA] Dwyane WadeBronn_Bronn[S] 272 指標 23小時前
Since Lebron"s teammates haven"t yet been inducted in the HOF, I considered the following as HOFers: Wade, Bosh, Ray Allen, Shawn Marion, Kyrie Irving, Kevin Love.
[–]HeatMelGibsonDerp 201 指標 23小時前
According to BBALL REF which is what you used:
Allen: Already in the HOF
Wade: 100% HOF chance
Bosh: 99.51% HOF chance
根据Basketball Reference网站,刚刚楼主说的这些人:
Marion: 75.59% HOF chance
Love: 67.58% HOF chance
Irving: 36.41% HOF chance
I think it"s too soon to consider Marion and Love HOFers. Love obviously has a great chance given the career projection, but Marion is by no means a lock.
[–][MIA] Dwyane WadeBronn_Bronn[S] 101 指標 23小時前
You are correct.
But if I wouldn"t have counted them, some might have thought I was a Lebron homer. Even counting them, Russell had almost 3 times more HOF teammates.
[–]throwaway801780 193 指標 22小時前
To be fair, when one team wins eight straight championships, a ton of them are going to be in the hall of fame for no other reason than they won eight straight championships.
[–][BOS] Kelly OlynykSlayer_Of_Anubis 359 指標 23小時前
I can"t tell if this was just made to shit on Russell or to prop up LeBron. Nobody is comparing them skillwise lol
And for Bill"s case you forgot to mention how many of the appearances ended in a championship.
[–]CavaliersRemyGee 255 指標 21小時前
Imho, if he was shitting on Russell, he definitely wouldn"t have used that picture of Russell looking amazing with his collection of Infinity Rings.
[–][MIA] Dwyane WadeBronn_Bronn[S] 167 指標 23小時前
It"s just to point out just how different the league was back then.
Not shitting on Russell, he was great. But people are now comparing Russell"s run with Lebron"s and I am trying to put it in perspective.
[–]Bullshotrod13 244 指標 22小時前
Why not include wins/losses if you are putting it into perspective?
[–][BOS] Eddie HouseWeAreBert 362 指標 21小時前
Because he"s just trying to put it in one perspective lol
[–]WizardsVswerve27 371 指標 23小時前
No one thinks Russell was better than LeBron
[–]BullsMustcoppington 143 指標 21小時前
The fabeled Bill Simmons just now conceded that LeBron 》 Russell so I wouldn"t say no one.
[–]everythingisamovie 53 指標 21小時前
Either that or Simmons was the very last person to admit that.
[–][MIA] Dwyane WadeBronn_Bronn[S] 163 指標 23小時前
You can look below and see that"s not true. Some people still cling on the "RINGZ, ERNEH !!!" argument.
[–]Alcren 107 指標 23小時前
And those guys are acting silly. While he does have an argument, Michael Jordan, Lebron, Wilt, and KAJ have the best arguments.
I personally don’t think you can label LBJ the best of all time until he hangs em up and you can compare the totality of his career. What if he has a bunch of choke performances? What if he wins 4 more rings in Cleveland while winning 3 more mvps before he retires?
I guess this is more tertiary but yeah...you don’t need to defend bill Russell against LBJ any more than one needs to argue LBJ vs Kobe or Magic imo.
[–]WestTrollface_Problem 98 指標 23小時前
Bill Russell was the greatest in his era. Jordan was the greatest in his time in the league. Lebron is the greatest right now. I don"t care about unfair comparisons between players, across eras, etc. while the playoffs are going on now. Maybe after the finals are over, it"s worth pandering to shit posts in the offseason.
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