竹民种植竹子有多种收入来源的方式,再加上竹子生长周期和成熟周期较长,因此对竹民来说,竹子长出可以出售需要等上一段时间。(翻译:Zhumin has a variety of ways to grow bamboo from sources of income, plus the growth cycle and maturity cycle of bamboo are longer. Therefore, for Zhumin, the growth of bamboo can be sold for some time.)
而且听竹民说,早年间农民把竹子开花看作是灾难的征兆,因为他们也说不清楚,为何会有竹子开花结果的现象,只是知道一旦竹子开花结果,必定会出现灾难。(翻译:He Zhuanmin said that in the early years, the peasants regarded the flowering of bamboo as a sign of disaster, because they also did not know why there was a phenomenon of bamboo blossoming, but only knew that once the bamboo blossomed, it would be a disaster.)
竹子品种的问题,有些竹子种植几年之后,它们有可能会开花,甚至结果。因为竹子一生只开一次花,开过花之后就会再接下来的一段时间内相继的枯死,所以农民是会不高兴的。(翻译:The problem of bamboo varieties, some years after bamboo is planted, they may bloom and even result. Because bamboo only blooms once in a lifetime, after the flowers have been blossomed, they will continue to die in the following period of time. Therefore, the peasants will not be happy.)
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