实习 |【L‘oreal】Full-time 12 Month Internship July 2018 In
【香港实习】L‘oreal—Key Account Executive,
Full-time 12-month Internship July 2018 Intake
职 位描述
12-month full-time internship; internship period is from 2nd July 2018 to 28th June 2019
Opportunity to work in one of the L’Oréal subsidiaries: L’Oréal Hong Kong, L’Oréal Travel Retail Asia Pacific or L’Oréal Luxe Asia Pacific
Get real job experience and opportunities to lead projects
Gain insight of the beauty business
2nd or 3rd year university students in any disciplines
Effective communication skills and analytical skills, with ability to manage complexity
Self-motivated, creative and entrepreneurial
Interested in the beauty business
Proficient in Cantonese, English and Mandarin
Authorized to work in Hong Kong
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