Spurs vs Warriors rotation chart from last night shows a difference in substitution patterns. Kerr choosing to stagger his lineups while Pop uses 2 distinct groups.
[–]WarriorsTNARG44 762 指標 7小時前
this is very cool to look at
one thing that stands out to me is the difference between KD and Klay/Draymond. 2 very large stretches and one medium vs 2 medium, 1 short, and 1 long.
I assume mixing up the looks makes it a lot harder for the Spurs
[–]NBAReddit_Be4 76 指標 6小時前
Keep in mind that there is a halftime break between the very large stretch
[–]Ola3Po 291 指標 6小時前
I think KD has always said he likes to play the whole first quarter. Helps him get in a rhythm or something.
[–]Spurssnarkyturtle 68 指標 5小時前
He clearly needed it because he had a pretty bad first quarter last night but really turned it on for the other 3 and especially the fourth.
[–]Cavaliersvoyaging 24 指標 4小時前
I"d like to see how he"s played in normal Warriors games. Curry"s injury probably affected the lineups (e.g. needing Durant to play more for scoring).
[–]WarriorsIonkkll 12 指標 2小時前
Curry and KD"s minutes are almost parallel. They rest in the first 6 minutes of the 2nd/4th. Curry follows a more strict rotation than KD.
If key bench players like West are out, KD will sometimes sit down in the 1st/3rd earlier so he can come back and help the bench unit.
[–]tharizzle 436 指標 7小時前
Kevin Durant has almost the exact same substitution pattern as LeBron. That"s interesting to me.
[–]Warriorsthrowbacklyrics 610 指標 7小時前
But he has the opposite balding pattern.
[–]Nets Tankwagonburgersarethebest 237 指標 6小時前
Can confirm. LeBron balds from the hairline. KD balds from the spiral.
[–][GSW] Patrick McCawwoodelf 23 指標 6小時前
Too bad they can"t combine hair powers and form one respectable head of hair (and one head with zero hairs)
[–][MIA] Justise WinslowUdonis- 33 指標 6小時前
It"s also pretty similar to LMA"s. That"d logically be the pattern for the guy you want on court the most, letting him rest a little during each half, but with long blocks of playing to get the rhythm.
Edit: and Patty Mills/Kyle Anderson. Spurs big three confirmed
P.S. 从这个表上看,他刺三巨头是阿德,米尔斯还有凯尔-安德森是石锤了。
[–]NBAMintastic 11 指標 6小時前
Klay/Dray apparently don"t need any rhythm, they just get random chunks of time with both starters and bench it seems.
[–][MIA] Justise WinslowUdonis- 11 指標 5小時前
Draymond I understand. Feeling the flow of the game is important but you can"t really go cold defensively if your fundamentals are sound. I"d expect a shooter like Klay to have consistent minutes though. Kerr knows best of course.
[–]PelicansGood_NewsEveryone[S] 118 指標 8小時前
Obviously Curry leaving early in the first threw a wrench in Kerr"s plans but the pattern is still pretty typical for what he does. If you take a look at their lineups (http://on.nba.com/2FvqmDJ) their most used lineup is the starting unit for most of the year, but second is Thompson, Green, Iggy, Livingston, and West.
楼主:很明显昨天的比赛中库里早早伤退给了科尔的固定轮换模式一个不小的考验,但是勇士的阵容轮换还是体现出了他们的典型特征。如果我们观察勇士的排兵布阵(http://on.nba.com/2FvqmDJ) ,会发现他们常年最多使用的阵容就是先发阵容,而紧跟着使用率第二高的梯队里包括克莱和格林两名先发,加上一哥,利文斯顿和韦斯特。
Warriors were also without West and Iggy in this game but you can see Kerr go to a similar lineup to start the 2nd quarter with using Nick Young and Looney. Those lineups have been very successful for GSW, but last night they started to give back the lead the Warriors gained in the 1st quarter. He also used KD to bolster the bench towards the end of the first quarter. Again in the second half Kerr uses a similar pattern, KD stays in and bolsters the bench to start and then Klay and Draymond return while he rests.
Pop, on the other hand, makes 4 substitutions at the same time about half way through the first quarter; leaving only LMA with the bench unit for a couple of minutes. And also uses a similar style in the second half, but using Forbes instead of Ginobili.
With about 5 minutes left in the game, Kerr goes small moving Draymond to center. Pop responds by subbing out Bertans for Danny Green but the Warriors still get the win.
[–]RocketsxHKx 27 指標 7小時前
Great chart I’d love to see more of these
[–]Timetoboxout 21 指標 6小時前
You can really see the philosophy of each coach in action with how they substitute. It’s a piece that most fans take for granted, unless you play 2k and realize how much energy it takes to make it all happen. I always start off with something like Kerr’s strategy and then end up making unit swaps purely for simplicity.
[–]TimberwolvesNillaThunda 10 指標 7小時前
would love to see what this would look like with Curry playing
[–]PelicansGood_NewsEveryone[S] 19 指標 6小時前
Here"s GSW vs POR (tried to find a close game). You can see Portland uses something similar where the stagger CJ and Lillard.
[–]ClippersDepressedClippersFan 132 指標 7小時前
The Warriors have 4 all stars. The Spurs have always played players in units. I think you’d find rotation charts like this for most Warriors and Spurs games.
[–]WarriorsEverybodyHatesKevin 239 指標 7小時前
Right, that"s the whole point of the graph. To illustrate the difference in play/coaching styles.
[–]ClippersDepressedClippersFan 22 指標 7小時前
I think he could just link the overall season substitution patterns than.
[–]puravidamae 51 指標 7小時前
Last Data Update: December 20, 2017
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