【操作系统】 windows服务和进程的区别和联系
[计算机] 进程文件: launcher or launcher.exe 进程名称: Webshots Launcher 进程类别:存在安全风险的进程 英文描述: launcher.exe is an executable belonging to many applications including Webshots- a Windows desktop downloader, Uinterface Mouselaunch- a file and application initiator, and also a hardware interface for Samsung products. Note: launcher.exe is an adv 中文参考: launcher.exe是很多程序都包含的进程,例如Windows桌面主题下载软件Webshots,鼠标增强软件Uinterface Mouselaunch和三星产品当中。注意:launcher.exe也可能是Intercort公司的广告程序。该进程监视你的浏览行为,并将回传到其服务器进行分析。
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