
【翻译】 本实验研究的对象选择了84名54±2.93个月幼儿作为被试。的英语翻译






[升学]原文:本实验研究的对象选择了84名54±2.93个月幼儿作为被试。采用再认任务的方法考察内隐学习与外显学习对被试对象象形字与形声字记忆的影响,分析不同年龄段幼儿对于汉字字形记忆的特点。结果表明,幼儿汉字字形学习上,内隐学习效果优于外显学习效果;幼儿内隐记忆与外显记忆两种效果均随年龄增长而提升。幼儿对象形字材料学习优于形声字材料。译文:The subjects studied in this study selected 84 2.93 months of young children as subjects. The influence of implicit learning and explicit learning on the memory of pictographic character and pictophmetic characters characters was investigated by ren task, and the characteristics of Chinese orthographic memory were analyzed in different age groups. The results show that the implicit learning effect is better than the explicit learning effect; The two effects of implicit memory and explicit memory increase with the increase of age. Children learn better in pictographic character material than the material of pictophmetic characters characters.
