




For any outsider still doubting the reality of reform in Myanmar---for decades one of the region’s most isolated nations---Aung San Suu Kyi’s flight this week from Yangon to Bangkok in neighbouring Thailand should be seen as a historic sign that significant change in indeed underway.


1. 很多句子通常可以拆分为两部分:(1)表达事实、背景的部分,(2)阐述判断和总结的部分。中文和英文的句子结构又有很大不同,中文往往是先(1)后(2),而英文往往是先(2)后(1),即中文前轻后重,英文前重后轻。

2. 英文中阐述事实背景的部分往往放在从句中,在进行英译中时,通常先行处理,根据中文句子结构的特点对英文句子进行重组翻译。

3. 第一段中:for decades oneof the region’s most isolated nations 是对Myanmar这座城市的背景介绍,属于插入部分,要先行翻译。

4. 去掉插入部分看第一段:For any outsider still doubting the reality of reform in Myanmar, Aung San Suu Kyi’s flight this week from Yangon to Bangkok in neighbouring Thailand should be seenas a historic sign that significant change in indeed underway. 其中Aung SanSuu Kyi’s flight this week from Yangon to Bangkok in neighbouring Thailand属于陈述事实的部分,先行处理,即“昂山素季本周将从仰光飞往泰国曼谷访问”

5. 最后翻译剩余部分:For any outsider(still doubting the reality of reform in Myanmar),……should be seen as a historic sign(that significant change in indeed underway).“对于质疑缅甸改革诚意的人来说,此行历史意义重大,反映该国确实正在推行大规模变革”

6. 最后将整个句子连起来。平时阅读英文时,要锻炼自己迅速看出句子结构和逻辑的能力,并且按照中文句子结构在脑海中进行快速重组。

It is a brief flight---a little over an hour---yet by taking it,the once-repressed icon of Myanmese freedom will travel light years from her former days under house arrest in her rambling mansion cut off from her two sons and husband,not to mention the outside world.


1. 这一段是对上一段的延续。还是要先理清句子主干和修饰部分,先处理修饰部分,翻译句子主干。the once-repressed icon of Myanmese freedom 是对人物背景进行介绍,先翻译:“缅甸民主运动代表人物”。

2. former days under house arrest in her rambling mansion cut off from her two sons and husband, not to mention theoutside world 是对主人公过去经历的介绍,也要在翻译句子主干之前交代清楚。“一度饱受压制,被软禁家中,无法与两个儿子和丈夫见面,与外界更是完全隔绝。”

3. 最后翻译主句,也是该段所要表达的重点:Itis a brief flight---a little over an hour---yet by taking it, ……will travellight years from……。“她前往曼谷的航程只要一个多小时,但却象征了缅甸巨大的进步”。翻译的时候也没有严格按照字面进行翻译,而是基于解释,读者能看懂的基础上进行翻译,保留中文行文的一气呵成,将作者想要传达的信息清晰明确地传递给读者。




The bigger picture in the world is not any rosier. There are upheavals in North Africa, in the Middle East and in Ukraine.East Asia too has its share of problems. The international order established in 1945 after the war against fascism is being put at risk by proposed constitutional change in some country. Some others, feeling they have their “backs covered” are manufacturing troubles at the cost of regional peace and stability.

1. 正说反译:“……也令人担忧”翻译成notany rosier。 rosy本身有乐观,称心如意的意思。

2. 直接传递核心信息,“本该是风平浪静的地方”这里并没有按字面意思直接翻译出来,而是解释为“也有自己的问题”East Asia too has its share of problems。

3. 背景补充。“战后国际秩序”的翻译中补充完整背景知识增加可读性,The international order established in 1945 after the war against fascism。同时遵循英文句子先重后轻的特点,该的重点是“推翻战后国际秩序”要先翻译,之后再补充某国修改“和平宪法”。

4. 同义合并。“仗着有后台”和“有恃无恐”是一个意思,合并翻译为feeling they have their “backs covered”,“不断惹是生非”和“制造事端”也属于前后重复,翻译是需要合并manufacturing troubles。

5. 巧用连接词。“……破坏地区稳定和平”没有采用一般多用的从句which will……,而是用了at the cost of 进行巧妙链接,平时阅读时也要多注意积累这类词。

