






iking through the natural beauty of New Zealand’s South Island


中国的旅行者们如今越来越喜欢去那些拥有震撼旅行体验的地方,其中新西兰就是一个不错的选择,最近北京的知名老外南锣鼓巷的"创可贴T恤"老板多米尼克就和他的小伙伴来自叫板披萨的杰德一块出了趟远门,不过对于杰德来说,这是一趟归乡之旅,借着地主之谊,他在他的家乡-新西兰南岛上著名的度假圣地瓦纳卡小镇,好好招待了一下来自远方的朋友多米尼克,带领他饱览了当地的湖光山色。去过世界无数美景之地的多米尼克被瓦纳卡纯净的自然风光震撼了!今天他对Bruce 讲述这趟难忘的新西兰之旅,这里还是电影"魔戒"的拍摄取景地哦!




Hiking through the natural beauty of New Zealand’s South Island


Chinese tourists today are going to more and more exciting places in the world. One that is attracting visitors is New Zealand partly because of a favourable visa policy. Recently one of Beijing’s well known ‘laowais’ Dominic Johnston Hill of Plastered 8 t-shirts was there with Jade Grey of Gung-ho Pizza – Jade is a New Zealander.

Dominic and Bruce met up in a café on Nanluoguxiang.

Dominic then talks of his New Zealand experiences – of flying between mountains and above glaciers in a small aircraft that landed in a field! This was the area where ‘Lord of the Rings’ was filmed a few years ago.

Unlike walking in the mountains of Canada or Alaska, there is no danger from wild animals – indeed there seemed no fear of birds such as parrots for humans – one wild parrot came right up to look at Dominic!

Dominic says how he has been to many beautiful, wild parts of the world, but South Island New Zealand he thinks is simply the most beautiful place he has ever visited.



Track One Phrases


When we were last talking at the Three Trees Café you were about to go off on a hiking tour of New Zealand

Well I would not say ‘Hiking Tour’ – we did a sort of three day hike

I had an incredible year last year, to be honest, doing Uzbekistan

Before I went to New Zealand I went to a three day learning event in Sydney

Where I listened to some of the best entrepreneur speakers I had ever listened to in my life

I went with my entrepreneur group onto New Zealand

Jade Grey – a Beijing local who owns Gung Ho Pizza and Lush in Haidian

His home is in Wanaka, South Island New Zealand

A most incredible, beautiful town I have ever seen

The most expensive property in the whole of New Zealand.

Why? Because it has summer holiday homes and winter holiday homes – skiing there

His mother has a house which doubles up as a boutique hotel overlooking the lake

We stayed there and then took a plane

A tiny plane that can only seat three people

Over the mountains, flew past these glaciers and landed in a field next to a river

Dropped us there and said – hike that way for a couple of days

Then you get picked up in one of those boats that are very famous in New Zealand

Spin around and get on those power boats

It was an awesome experience

I have travelled a lot around the world – been to rainforests and mountains in the Andes

I do not think I have ever seen such natural beauty as I have had in New Zealand – it was breath-taking





1.What three countries was Dominic in last year? Uzbekistan, Australia and New Zealand


2.How does he describe Wanaka? A most incredible, beautiful town I have ever seen


3.Why is Wanaka so popular? Summer holidays and winter skiing


4.How did they travel to the hiking area from Wanaka? A tiny, three seat plane


5.After the three day hike how would Dominic travel back to Wanaka? By boat




How does New Zealand compare to other places Dominic has travelled to? Such natural beauty as I have had in New Zealand – it was breath-taking




Track two


That’s where they filmed ‘Lord of the Rings’

That’s right – in fact, we got to see a couple of spots where they filmed

You can see why they filmed it there – it is very untouched



What is fascinating about New Zealand is that they do not have any indigenous mammals

At one point we hiked up this glacier – it was quite tough – about six or seven hours

Got to this amazing glacier – this giant parrot started hoping up on all the rocks

Came to within a metre of us and did not even seem frightened – because he had no natural predators

The Kiwis are not interested in hunting the parrots

And the fishing there – I am an avid fisherman and the trout in the rivers are incredible

I was just upset I did not take a fly rod with me because we were ‘spinning’ and very hard to catch a smart trout

So I was unlucky – my friends caught fish and I did not

I would love to go back – to take the family – it is a truly incredible place

No bears in New Zealand

I think they had an epidemic a hundred years ago of rabbits that got brought in by the Europeans

It is so civilised – you trek and arrive at this log cabin they have built for fishermen and hikers – it is very communal and everybody cleans up afterwards

Everybody shares food





1.What film was made in that part of New Zealand? Lord of the Rings




What is fascinating about New Zealand’s animals? they do not have any indigenous mammals


3.What bird came close to Dominic? A giant parrot


4.Why was it not afraid? It had no natural predators


5.What about fishing? The trout in the rivers are incredible
