//《不忘初心:是什么造就了今天的习近平?》的文章是傻大方资讯网小编转载于网络,如有侵权请联系删除。 傻大方摘要开始:一段经历往往会改变一个人的一生。出身于革命家庭的习近平,15岁的时候去陕北农村插队,也正是那一段经历给了他一种力量、一种勇气和一种生活信念。---傻大方摘要结束
“My seven years of rural life in northern Shaanxi Province gave me something mysterious and sacred,” said Chinese President Xi Jinping during a 1995 interview. He started working in the countryside at the age of 15, an experience which shaped his personality and helped him become the man he is today.
My seven-year rural life in northern Shaanxi Province gave me something mysterious and sacred.
Whenever I faced a challenge or a test or started a new job, I could somehow hear my fellow Shaanxi folks singing local songs on the farm.
I think in my life, there are two kinds of people who have helped me the most.
The first were pioneers of revolutionary times, the others were my fellow Shaanxi villagers.
I came to know that fundamental power rests with people. I gained a better understanding of ordinary people and society. This was the most fundamental influence.
My idea of seeking truth from facts was formed then, and it has influenced me until now.
////////本文不忘初心:是什么造就了今天的习近平?。由网友'[暖牌心机婊]'投稿/////////- 曾国藩吃饭时,师爷不到绝不开席,清朝的官员和师爷是什么关系?
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