
21:1–10 Through Jeremiah, God reveals His judgment on Jerusalem to the political and religious leaders of Judah: only those who surrender to the Chaldeans will live. God disciplines them for their lack of repentance and for ignoring His warnings. Even during this judgment, mercy and compassion shine through, providing a way of survival. No matter what you face today, call on the Lord with a repentant heart and humbly trust that He has an answer for you. Consider the life and sufferings of Jesus, who humbled Himself to redeem you for your salvation. ? Lord, lead us to heed Your warnings against sin and to live repentant lives according to Your holy will, reflecting Your holiness and loving compassion through Jesus. Amen.

耶利米书21:1-10 藉着耶利米,上帝向犹大的政治和宗教领袖们启示祂对耶路撒冷的审判:只有那些向迦勒底人投降的才能存活。上帝管教他们不悔改并且无视祂的警告。即使是在这审判之中,怜悯和恩慈仍发出光芒,赐下一条活路。无论你今天面对什么,要带着一颗悔改的心呼求主耶和华并且谦卑地信靠祂必会应允你。要思想耶稣的生命和受苦,祂谦卑自己拯救你得着救赎。主,引领我们留心你对罪的警告,并且按照你圣洁的旨意活出悔改的生命,映射出你的圣洁和慈爱怜悯,藉着耶稣。阿们。


21:11–22:10 God challenges His people in Jerusalem to keep His covenant by helping other people, protecting the weak and vulnerable, and keeping Him first in their worship and their lives. Keeping the Law means not only avoiding the wrong thing but also includes doing the right thing, such as having mercy (see SC, Fourth through Tenth Commandments, here). Such compassion flows directly from a right relationship with God. Today, call on the Lord in repentance and prayer. Jesus redeemed you through His perfect life, death, and resurrection and has sworn to save you. ? Father, lead us to treat other people as we want to be treated, loving them as You love us in Jesus Christ. Amen.

耶利米书21:11-22:10 上帝对祂在耶路撒冷的百姓发出挑战,要遵守祂的恩约,帮助他人,保护软弱的和易受伤害的人,将上帝放在他们敬拜和生活的首位。遵守律法不仅意味着避免错误的事,而且也包括做正确的事,例如施行怜悯(看小问答,第四到第十诫命)。这样的怜悯是直接从与上帝的正确关系中流出。今天,要在悔改和祷告中呼求主。耶稣已经藉着祂完美的生,死和复活拯救了你,并且起誓要拯救你。天父,带领我们在耶稣基督里对待他人就像我们所期待自己被对待的那样,爱他们正如你爱他们那样。阿们。


22:11–30 Jeremiah condemns Israel’s leaders for their obsession with wealth and power and, at the same time, neglect and abuse of the needy. God tells these powerful people that they will not enjoy their dishonest gains. People worship the same things today, sacrificing integrity and compassion for temporary riches. Jesus, having all things, avoids the deceit of wealth and power (Mt 4:8–10), remaining faithful to the plan of salvation by going to the cross to save us from our sinful deceptions. ? Lord, faithful Shepherd, lead us to treasure people more than things. Amen.

耶利米书22:11-30 耶利米谴责以色列的领袖迷恋财富权势,同时无视甚至虐待有需要的人。上帝告诉这些有权势的人,他们将不能享受自己不诚实的收获。今天的人崇拜同样的事物,为了得到暂时的财富而牺牲掉正直和怜悯。耶稣拥有一切,逃避财富权势的诡计(太4:8-10),忠于那救恩的计划,走上十字架拯救我们脱离我们的罪恶和诡诈。主,信实的牧者,带领我们珍视人过于财物。阿们。


23:1–8 God promises to give His people a new and righteous King who will save and protect them as long as He reigns over them. Jesus, the Good Shepherd, is this King, and He draws all believers together in one flock of faith, laying down His life for them and taking it up again (Jn 10). ? Dear Jesus, keep us in Your flock, safe from all harm and danger. Amen.

耶利米书23:1-8 上帝应许要赐给祂百姓一位新的公义君王,祂必会拯救保护他们,只要祂在作王治理他们。耶稣,那好牧人,就是这个君王,祂将所有信徒聚集成一个信仰群体,将祂的性命为他们舍了,并且复活(约10)。亲爱的耶稣,保守我们在你的群羊中,远避一切灾害和危险。阿们。


23:9–40 God condemns the spiritual leaders of Judah for misleading His people. They should have warned sinners of the impending judgment, but they did not, allowing the people to slide into idolatry and immorality. (Pray for pastors and other spiritual leaders, that they may fulfill their important callings.) The Law is to be preached to unrepentant sinners, no matter how painful it may be, so that people are not deceived. The Gospel is to be preached to spirits crushed by the Law, bringing light and life through faith in Jesus Christ, our Savior. ? Lord, when we stray, may Your Law show us our sin. Always keep before us the Gospel, the wonderful cross of Christ crucified for sinners. Amen.

耶利米书23:9-40 上帝谴责犹大的属灵领袖们错误地带领祂的子民。他们应该警告罪人那正要临到的审判,但他们没有,而是放任百姓跌入偶像崇拜和道德败坏之中。(要为牧师和其他属灵领袖祈祷,好叫他们完成他们重要的呼召。)律法需要向着不悔改的罪人宣讲,无论这会是多么痛苦,为的是人不被欺骗。福音要向着律法所压垮的灵传讲,藉着对我们救赎主耶稣基督的信带来光和生命。主,当我们走迷的时候,愿你的律法向我们显明我们的罪。总是将福音放在我们面前,这福音就是为罪人被钉的基督和祂荣美的十字架。阿们。


?Ch 24 The Lord tells Jeremiah that He will safeguard the Judean people sent into Babylonian exile in 587 BC, but that His wrath remains on those still in Jerusalem. The good—the faithful—will return. Today, the Lord calls us to repent of our sin and serve Him by faith. He graciously gives us His own heart and faithfulness in His Son born of David’s line. ? Father, keep us faithful by Your Holy Spirit, and direct our lives, redeemed by Your grace in Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

耶利米书24章 主耶和华告诉耶利米祂要保护公元前587年被掳到巴比伦的犹大百姓,但祂的怒气仍在那些留在耶路撒冷的人身上。良善忠心的必要归回。今天,主呼召我们为着我们的罪悔改并且靠着信心服侍祂。祂满有恩典地将祂自己的心和信实在祂那从大卫支派生出的儿子里面赐给我们。天父,藉着你的圣灵保守我们信实忠诚,并且引领我们的生命,我们的生命是因着你的恩典在我们的主耶稣基督里得救赎的。阿们。


25:1–14 In a prophecy dating to 605 BC, God warns His people that He will soon destroy Jerusalem because of their idolatry and immorality. Ultimately, His judgment will fall on all nations, including Babylon. God, righteous and holy, must punish sin. Even if God’s justice seems to delay, it always accomplishes its purpose. The Law must do its work, yet God also has His Gospel. Jesus Christ is working a better work, saving all who repent and believe in Him. ? Lord, turn us from our sins, and keep us steadfast in Your grace through faith in Christ Jesus, our Lord. Amen.

耶利米书25:1-14 在一个可以追溯到公元前605年的预言里面,上帝警告祂的百姓,因为他们的拜偶像和道德败坏,祂将很快毁灭耶路撒冷。最终,祂的审判必要临到万国,包括巴比伦。上帝是公义圣洁的,必要刑罚罪。即使上帝的公正看起来有些迟延,然而它总是成就它的目的。律法必要做它的工,然而上帝也有祂的福音。耶稣基督是在做一份更美好的工,就是拯救所有悔改信靠祂的人。主,使我们转离我们的罪,保守我们稳健在你的恩典之中,藉着对我们主基督耶稣的信。阿们。


25:15–38 God warns all people that He will bring judgment to all the nations of the world. Implicit in the warning is a call to repentance and faith, the only way of salvation on the day of divine judgment. Like individual people, nations have gone their way without regard for God. Idolatry and immorality, including abuse and neglect of the poor, will be severely punished in the end. Ultimately, Jesus pays for the sins of all people and every nation by His death on the cross. Throughout these warnings to the nations, God’s promise of a Savior continues to shine through. ? Father, may Your Gospel go forth for all nations. Turn our own nation to righteousness, and grant us Your continued blessing. Amen.

耶利米书25:15-38 上帝警戒所有人,祂必将审判带给世界上所有的国家。警告当中所暗示的是对悔改和信心的呼召,那是在上帝审判之日唯一的救恩出路。就像个人一样,国家也走在无视上帝的道路上。偶像崇拜和道德败坏,包括对贫穷人的压迫和冷漠,最后都将受到严厉的惩罚。最终,耶稣为所有人,每一个国家的罪付上代价,藉着祂在十字架上的死亡。贯穿对邦国的这些警告,上帝对一位救赎主的应许继续发出光芒。天父,愿你的福音为着万邦传扬。使我们自己的国家转向公义,将你持续的祝福赐给我们。阿们。


26:1–15 God sends Jeremiah to warn the people about the destruction of Jerusalem and its temple due to their sin. If they confess their sin, God will forgive them and spare them. For Jeremiah’s faithful proclamation, he is arrested and tried for treason (a capital crime). Hard hearts resist every overture of mercy from God and ignore all His warnings of impending judgment. God’s heart longs to forgive sinners, even though they resist His Word and murder His prophets. Today, know that the Lord has set His heart on you. Call on Him in repentance and faith, through Christ. ? Father, open our ears to hear You clearly, and lead us every day in the way of faith and obedience, through Jesus Christ. Amen.

耶利米书26:1-15 上帝差遣耶利米警告百姓耶路撒冷和圣殿因着他们的罪要遭毁灭。如果他们承认自己的罪,上帝必会赦免他们,宽恕他们。因着耶利米忠心的宣讲,他受逮捕并被指控为叛徒(一项死罪)。刚硬的心抵挡一切从上帝那里来的怜悯供应,并且无视所有祂对快要临到的审判的警告。上帝的心渴望赦免罪人,即使他们抵挡祂的圣道,谋杀祂的先知。今天,要知道主已经将祂的心放在你身上。要在悔改和信心中呼求祂,透过基督。天父,打开我们的耳朵清楚地聆听你的话语,每一日带领我们走在信心和顺服的路上,藉着耶稣基督。阿们。


26:16–24 Jeremiah narrowly escapes the death penalty under wicked King Jehoiakim when a high court official, Ahikam, and others intercede for him. Faithful proclamation of God’s Word often brings serious, even fatal, opposition by the worldly powers. Despite this, faithfully defend those wrongly accused, and pray for fellow Christians who face persecution. God often rescues His people from physical harm, but the greater blessing is that He rescues you from eternal condemnation through Jesus Christ. ? Lord, by Your Spirit, make us faithful bearers of Your Word, no matter what troubles it causes. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

耶利米书26:16-24 一位法院的高官亚希甘还有其他人为耶利米求情,他在邪恶的约雅敬王手下勉强逃脱死刑。对上帝话语的忠心宣讲常常带来世俗权势严酷甚至致命的敌对。尽管如此,要信实地为那些遭受错误指控的人辩护,并且为遭受逼迫的基督徒祷告。上帝常常拯救祂的百姓脱离身体上的伤害,但那最大的祝福是,祂藉着耶稣基督拯救你脱离永恒的咒诅。主,藉着你的圣灵,使我们成为你圣道的忠心见证人,无论这会带来什么样的麻烦。奉耶稣的名。阿们。


?Ch 27 Jeremiah predicts that God will let all who submit to the Babylonians live in their own land safely. To accomplish His purposes, the Lord uses people and nations and empires. The way of salvation is the way of humility and repentance: receiving God’s Word by faith and walking in His ways. Pray daily for faithful leaders. Thanks be to God that, despite evil worldly leaders, the Gospel prospers and bears fruit among us. ? Bless us, heavenly Father, with humility and faith in You as nations and kingdoms rise and fall, knowing You are at work for the salvation of souls. Amen.

耶利米书27章 耶利米预告说上帝必会使所有顺服巴比伦的人在他们自己的土地上平安度日。为了达到祂的目的,主使用人,民族和帝国。救恩的道路就是谦卑和悔改的道路:凭着信心领受上帝的话语,并且行走在祂的道路上。要每日为着信实的领袖祷告。感谢归给上帝,尽管有邪恶的世俗领袖,然而福音在我们中间兴盛并且结出果实。天父,在民族和国家起起落落之时,请以谦卑和对你的信靠祝福我们,知道你在为着灵魂的救恩作工。阿们。


?Ch 28 In 594 BC, Hananiah falsely predicts the return of the temple furnishings taken to Babylon in 597 BC and the Judean captives. Jeremiah warns the populace of Jerusalem that the worst is yet to come. God does not deal with sin merely with a “slap on the wrist” (as Hananiah thought). The wages of sin is death (Rm 6:23a). However, God does not delight in punishing sinners. He also sends true prophets and faithful ministers to turn people from death to life—God’s gift to us in Christ Jesus (Rm 6:23b). ? Teach us, Lord, to avoid sin and wait upon Your Word, that we may have life in Jesus Christ. Amen.

耶利米书28章 哈拿尼雅发出虚假预言说,公元前597年被抢夺到巴比伦的圣殿器皿以及犹大的被掳之民要归回。耶利米警告耶路撒冷的百姓说,更糟糕的还没来到。上帝对付罪,不是用“象征性的惩罚”过过场(就像哈拿尼雅所想的那样)。罪的工价是死亡(罗6:23a)。然而,上帝不喜悦惩罚罪人。祂也差遣诚实的先知和忠心的执事来使百姓转离死亡,得生命---这是上帝在基督耶稣里赐给我们的礼物(罗6:23b)。主,教导我们逃离罪,并且等候你的话语,好叫我们在耶稣基督里有生命。阿们。


29:1–23 The future of God’s people lies with the exiles, taken from Jerusalem to Babylon in 587 BC. God’s judgment must fall upon His rebellious people. Yet God’s favor rests upon the exiles, and they are encouraged to settle down for a long stay, after which God will return them to Jerusalem. God will restore them to the Promised Land and ultimately bring from their descendants a Savior for all the people. He keeps His promises. ? Fulfill Your plans for us, O Lord, and guide us to make plans that agree with Your will. Teach us to trust Your decisions for our lives; through Jesus Christ. Amen.

耶利米书29:1-23 上帝百姓的未来在于被掳之民,就是那些公元前587年从耶路撒冷被带到巴比伦的。上帝的审判必要临到祂悖逆百姓的身上。然而上帝的恩惠仍与被掳之民同在,他们得到鼓励要定居下来长久打算,之后上帝必使他们归回耶路撒冷。上帝必要使他们回到应许之地,最终从他们的后裔中间带出一位救主,给所有的人。祂持守祂的应许。主啊,请施行你对我们的计划,引领我们作出与你旨意相符的计划。教导我们信靠你对我们生命的抉择;藉着耶稣基督。阿们。


29:24–32 An opposition figure in Babylon (Shemaiah) tries to make trouble for Jeremiah back in Jerusalem, responding to an earlier letter of Jeremiah to the Babylonian exiles. Leaders of God’s people carry a tremendous responsibility to speak only God’s Word and not their own doctrines. Pray that the Lord would guide your words and deeds as you care for those entrusted to your leadership in family, church, or society. Take heart, knowing that God’s Word prevails, stronger than any opposing force, and it accomplishes its purpose: your salvation. ? Keep us steadfast in Your Word of truth, O Lord. Amen.

耶利米书29:24-32 在巴比伦的一位敌对人物(示玛雅)试着给回到耶路撒冷的耶利米制造麻烦,回应耶利米早期给巴比伦被掳之民的一封信。上帝子民的领袖担负着一项极其重要的责任,就是只讲说上帝的话语,而不是他们自己的教义。在你看顾那些交托给你带领的家庭,教会或社会成员的时候,要祷告求主引领你的言语和行为。要有勇气,知道上帝的话语是有力的,胜过任何敌对势力,并且它成就它的目的:你的救恩。主啊,保守我们稳健在你真理的话语里面。阿们。


?Ch 30 God tells Jeremiah to write down the prophecy of a future restoration. God will anoint a King to rule over His people, and the community will live in peace. God’s greater purpose of salvation will be accomplished in spite of the people’s sin. He will rescue His people and reign over them through David’s descendant, the Messiah. ? Keep our hearts, O Lord, filled with the joy of our salvation and the confidence of Your love for us in Jesus Christ. Amen.

耶利米书30章 上帝告诉耶利米写下对未来复兴的预言。上帝要膏立一位君王治理祂的百姓,他们的族群必要在平安中生活。尽管人有罪,然而上帝更大的救赎计划必要成就。祂必会藉着大卫的后裔,弥赛亚来拯救祂的百姓,做他们的王。主啊,使我们的心时常充满救恩的喜乐和对你在耶稣基督里爱我们的信靠。阿们。


31:1–30 The Lord promises to restore His people to the Promised Land after the exile in Babylon. The exile is temporary, for God Himself will save the remnant and return them to their home. God could destroy them for their sin, but out of deep love and compassion He merely disciplines them with exile and even gives them the hope of return. Our Lord disciplines us for a time that we might walk by faith. In Christ, the discipline of God works for our benefit. ? Dear Father, when our lives are dark with fear and uncertainty, keep the light of Your love for us in Jesus Christ before our eyes. Amen.

耶利米书31:1-30 主耶和华应许要在被掳巴比伦之后复兴祂的百姓回到应许之地。被掳是暂时的,因为上帝祂自己必要拯救余民,使他们归回家乡。上帝能够因着他们的罪毁灭它们,但出于深沉的爱和怜悯,祂仅仅是以被掳管教他们,甚至还赐给他们归回的盼望。我们的主有时管教我们,为的是让我们靠着信心行走。在基督里,上帝的管教为着我们的益处作工。亲爱的天父,当我们的生命黑暗充满恐惧和不确定的时候,请使你在耶稣基督里爱我们的那光常照在我们眼前。阿们。


31:31–40 God promises His people a new relationship, not based on the Law of Moses but on grace and faith. The promise finds fulfillment in Jesus and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the NT (cf Heb 8). Although the Law is good and holy, it condemns sinners for what we are and what we do. In Christ Jesus, God provides the sacrifice necessary to silence the accusations of the Law. By faith, Christians have a new and right relationship with God (cf Rm 3:21–26). ? We thank You, Father, for the new covenant of forgiveness won by Jesus on the cross. Amen.

耶利米书31:31-40 上帝应许祂百姓一个新的关系,这关系不是基于摩西律法,乃是基于恩典和信心。这应许在耶稣和新约圣灵的浇灌中成就了(参 来8章)。尽管律法是良善圣洁的,然而它按照我们的所是以及我们的所行来定我们为罪人。在基督耶稣里,上帝赐下所需的祭牲,来打消律法的控告。凭着信心,基督徒有与上帝的一份崭新并且正确的关系(参 罗3:21-26)。天父,我们感谢你,因着耶稣在十字架上赢得的赦罪所立的新约。阿们。                 


32:1–15 God tells Jeremiah to buy a parcel of land near Anathoth as a visible promise that life would return to normal after the exile (which would last a long time). Surrounded by the enemy army, it may have seemed foolish to buy land for the future, but obeying God is always the right thing to do. When trouble surrounds you, cling to the Lord’s commands and promises. In His mercy, God will save His people and bring them to safety, a promise ultimately fulfilled in Jesus Christ. ? Lord, help us look past the present trouble to see with joy and confidence our eternal home in Jesus Christ. Amen.

耶利米书32:1-15 上帝吩咐耶利米在靠近亚拿突的地方买下一块地,作为可见的应许,就是被掳之事(要持续很长一段时间)结束之后生活要归于正常。周围环绕着敌人的军队,为未来买地可能看起来是愚昧的,然而顺服上帝总是一件正确的事可以去做。当困难环绕你的时候,要依附主耶和华的命令和应许。在祂的怜悯中,上帝必会拯救祂的子民,带给他们平安,这应许最终在耶稣基督里得以成就。主,帮助我们超越当下的困难,在耶稣基督里带着喜乐和信心观看我们永恒的家园。阿们。


Jeremiah 32:16-35 God charges His people with idolatry, violating the First Commandment (cf Ex 20:4–6). Because they turned their back on God, He will turn them over to the Babylonians for the city’s destruction and the people’s exile. Fundamental to the relationship between God and His people is their exclusive loyalty and trust, much like a marriage. Because of His love, He will eventually recall His people from the land of exile and keep His promise to send a Savior for all humanity. ? O Holy Spirit, keep us faithful to our Lord, who is ever loyal to us. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

耶利米书32:16-35 上帝指控祂的百姓拜偶像,违背第一诫命(参 出20:4-6)。因为他们转离上帝,所以上帝必将他们交给巴比伦人,圣城要被毁,百姓要被掳。上帝与祂子民之间的关系最根本的是他们独一的忠贞和信靠,正如婚姻那样。出于祂的慈爱,上帝最终会从被掳之地从新召回祂的子民,并且保守祂的应许,就是要给所有人差遣一位救赎主。圣灵啊,请保守我们忠于我们的主,因祂一直信实待我们。奉耶稣的名。阿们。