We have pioneered the reconstitution of cell death signalling complexes, including the Death-Inducing Signalling Complex (DISC), and now wish to determine the overall 3D architecture of these large macromolecular assemblies and ultimately their structure.
Importantly, the Unit has an FEI Talos 200C Cryo-Electron Microscope and is a partner in the Midlands Regional Cryo-EM Facility which is equipped with an FEI Titan Krios 300 kV Cryo-Electron Microscope.
The following publications have direct relevance to this project:
- Horn et al. Caspase-10 Negatively Regulates Caspase-8-Mediated Cell Death, Switching the Response to CD95L in Favor of NF-KB Activation and Cell Survival. Cell Reports, 2017.
- Hughes et al. Co-operative and Hierarchical Binding of c-FLIP and Caspase-8: A Unified Model Defines How c-FLIP Isoforms Differentially Control Cell Fate. Molecular Cell, 2016.
- Dickens et al. A death effector domain chain DISC model reveals a crucial role for caspase-8 chain assembly in mediating apoptotic cell death. Molecular Cell, 2012.
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