【 双人|超甜“双人”动漫情侣头像我这个人很难将就,遇到对味的就想占为己有】
老夫老妻越长越像。有人说因为他们相爱。但医生说,起因是朝夕相处,饮食结构相同作息规律同步。同一棵树上的树叶也是越长越像的。The older the husband and wife, the more they look like. Some people say that they love each other. But the doctor said that the cause is to get along day and night, the diet structure is the same, and the work schedule is synchronized. The leaves on the same tree grow longer and look more similar.
用眼睛无法看到你,我就用心来看你;用心灵无法看到你,我就用意念去看你;如果用意念还是看不到你,我会用整个生命来看你。If I ca n’t see you with my eyes, I will see you with my heart; if I ca n’t see you with my heart, I will see you with my mind; if I still ca n’t see you with my mind, I ’ll see you with my whole life.
一片叶子埋葬一个深秋,一朵雪花覆盖一个冬季,那么,我最初的试探,是不是烂漫了你的春天?无论以什么样的方式结束我们的爱,我都永远怀念。A leaf is buried in a late autumn, and a snowflake covers a winter. So, did my initial temptations ruin your spring? No matter how we end our love, I will always miss it.
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