天空永远不会晴空万里,大海也有惊涛骇浪的时候,所以,有时候,幸福无论怎么样握紧还是会溜走。The sky will never be clear, and the sea can have stormy waves, so sometimes happiness can slip away no matter how tight it is.
True love is like a ghost. There are many people heard and few people met. In this world, the only thing that won't betray you is only your parents and the money in your pocket.
我相信能遇见比你更好的人 ,但你现在就挡在我面前, 像从天顶倒挂的瀑布 ,三百六十度的震耳欲聋, 除了你我什么都看不见。I believe that I can meet someone better than you, but you should be right in front of me now, like a waterfall hanging upside down from the zenith, deafening at 360 degrees, I can see nothing but you.
A truth: the more passion you will be less cherished, and the more you try to please someone, the more likely that person is to make you heartache. Remember a sentence: don't love too much, the opposite is true.
我们已经陌生到,连给你发个信息都要犹豫不决的地步,唯一的默契就是我不找你,你也永远不会来找我。We are so strange that we have to hesitate to send you a message. The only tacit understanding is that I will not find you, and you will never come to me.
If a thing is too beautiful, it must not belong to the world. The human heart is a terrible and ugly thing.
【 蝴蝶结|超火·甜丧·女生头像解不开的心结,就把它系成蝴蝶结吧】
- king|超火“单人”动漫情侣头像我是风,永远没有方向;你是水,永远不会受伤
- 蝴蝶结|动漫界的富贵花,堪比赫本的复古大小姐风,你居然还没小学生会穿
- hebe|超火“双人”动漫情侣头像其实你不用这么冷淡,我从未想过纠缠
- sony|超火“双人”动漫情侣头像如果不能勿忘心安,就请你随遇而安
- eyes|甜丧·动漫·女生头像我喜欢我的懦弱,痛苦和难堪也喜欢
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- discour超火“单人”动漫情侣头像:如果我们之间可以重来,那么分手我来说
- 动漫|超火“双人”动漫情侣头像我们始终都在练习微笑,终于变成不敢哭的人
- 权倾朝野|超火“双人”动漫情侣头像能不能借我你的肩膀,当是一种施舍