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根据其主管克里斯蒂安·凯勒(Christian Keller)的说法,该计划的执行主任克里斯蒂安·凯勒(Christian Keller)于2020年11月24日向行业成员作了简要介绍。该计划由负责情报、电子战和传感器集成的计划执行办公室于4月成立,主要聚集于体系结构,重点是系统间工程和与其他程序接口的通用标准。
未来,其重点是了解威胁分析并从陆军各部门进行科学技术过渡。它还正在研究如何更好地整合演示和实验工作,例如项目融合(Project Convergence),实兵的多域作战和Defender系列。
凯勒表示:“我们正在处理一个非常复杂的系统环境。” “我们拥有各种传感器功能,这些功能必须与地面站接口,或者可能必须与各种用户接口,无论是情报还是明智的射击,以及类似的一切。”
该机构正在进行的主要努力之一是,各利益相关方共同努力弄清什么系统,包括各种即将面世的系统,例如陆军的下一代地面站战术情报目标接入节点;在地面层系统,陆军的首个综合信号情报,电子战和网络平台; 以及高域ISR平台多域传感系统以及现有系统,以确保从传感器和节点一直向指挥官和射击者无缝有效地提供数据。
US Army creates new office for integrating data and sensors
WASHINGTON — The U.S. Army’s office for procuring sensors, electronic warfare systems, intelligence programs and cyber tools recently created an integration office designed to better align the various elements of its portfolio across the larger Army, joint force and commercial industry.
As the military looks to link sensors and information to shooters in a new concept it is calling Combined Joint All-Domain Command and Control, standardizing data and systems will be critical.
The new integration directorate within Program Executive Office Intelligence, Electronic Warfare and Sensors — established in April — is aligned under three offices, according to its director, Christian Keller, who virtually briefed members of industry Nov. 24. The three offices are:
Architectures, which is focused on system-of-systems engineering and common standards for interfacing with other programs.
Futures, which is focused on understanding threat analysis and conducting science and technology transitions from groups across the Army. It is also looking at how to better integrate demonstrations and experimentation efforts such as Project Convergence, Multi-Domain Operations Live and the Defender series.
The last group is looking at interfacing the program executive office with other elements of the Army such as Futures Command and its cross-functional teams, the Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Task Force, and the various centers of excellence within Training and Doctrine Command.
“We have [a] very complex system-of-systems environment we’re dealing with,” Keller said. “We have various sensor capabilities out there, which have to interface to ground stations and may have to interface to various users, both maneuver wise and fires wise and everything like that.”
One of the main efforts the group is undertaking involves various stakeholders working to wrangle what systems — to include a variety of forthcoming systems such as Tactical Intelligence Targeting Access Node, the Army’s next-generation ground station; the Terrestrial Layer System, the Army’s first integrated signals intelligence, electronic warfare and cyber platform; and the Multi-Domain Sensing System, a high altitude ISR platform — along with existing systems to ensure data is provided seamlessly and effectively from sensors and nodes all the way to commanders and shooters.
“What we’re trying to do within the group is work on understanding what systems are interfacing with what, understand what the data is going back-and-forth between those systems, how to do that effectively, and how to do that in somewhat of a seamless manner, although nothing is that easy,” Keller said.
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